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Blue Confirmed - Shaman for Allies and Pallies for Horde

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Sweet, that makes my over-throwing the Warrior class much much easier... I mean... Ya Vanin. Shaman sounds great!

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I don't know about anyone else, but I *really* have a problem with Blood Elves getting Paladins.  They are not defenders of the holy light, nor should they be.  That's my job!


Well... if you read the story that comes with it, the blood elves STOLE their "light" powers from an energy being instead of earning the power.


Meh, smells like plotholes to me. =/


Like... they had said it could never happen then decided "HEY! A bunch of stuff happend in outland without anyone knowing! /shiftyeyes"

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Oh man. Thornblade is gonna switch his main again I bet, and come up with an even more ridiculous name. Like Sharpalsoremicnicks, or something equally as lame.




btw, to all those shamans wannabe...


I'm rerolling Shaman CL!


Plz we all know if your gonna reroll, its gonna be a hunter so you can actualy get some good weapons. And if you dont then sorry you get to tank stickfigures for the rest of your life.


In 2010 when the expansion comes out i'll be running for FP shaman class leader.

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At this point, honestly, all I can do is /sigh.

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Kk so I have cooled off from the shock, and here is what I think about all this. Even if it is a bit nerdish.

While I think the Paladin/Shaman thing is not a terrible idea, it does make me kind of sad. When I first got into Warcraft (and later Warcraft II), I was blown away by how great the game was, but always had a little bit of distaste for the mirror-image quality of the two factions, Orcs and Humans. My choice to play Alliance or Horde did not really matter except in aesthetics since (with one very minor exception) every Human troop type had an identical counterpart on the Orc side, and vice-versa.


Which is why, for me at least, Starcraft was a giant leap forward. Three unique factions, with different feels, different strengths and weaknesses, and different playstyles. They were incredibly well balanced with each other (perhaps not perfectly so, but very very close), and at the same time they maintained very unique identities. It added so much depth to the game: you could play the Zerg for a long time and then switch to Protoss and have a whole new experience on your hands. It was this aspect of the game that I felt put Starcraft head and shoulders above some very stiff competition (Age of Empires for example).


Maybe balancing the factions is just too hard, and Blizzard just got really lucky once, with Starcraft. But I feel like a little part of World of Warcraft died today, when Blizzard went back to the easy, safe, predictable, but much less interesting Warcraft II formula where the factions are (almost) mirror images of each other.


We'll have a lot of fun when it comes to figuring out all this new stuff with shamans in our raids, but I will miss us having basicly two different factions instead of one big one. I cant wait for our melee to have kings, might, windfury and grace of air totems. It'll be over the top awesome, but just doesnt feel right is all.


I really hope they now take a step back and look at the Shaman/Paladin class and redefine them in what they are supposed to do. Currently they mirror eachother quite a bit, but I hope after the expansion, the 10 levels after 60 give us something new with both classes. Paladins in there, tanking when need be, saving our lives with BOProtection and DI/judgements and healing with our shamans defined to be awesome support healing (they have natures swiftness) and huge boosters to raid melee DPS with totems.


It'll be fun thats for sure, I know im rolling a draeni shaman (as an alt!), but it will feel weird seing earthbind totems in our Razorgore's, Stage 1 nef's and beyond.


So how about this:


6 Priests

6 Warriors

5 Mages

5 Rogues

4 Druids

4 Paladins

4 Hunters

3 Shamans

3 Warlocks


Hehehe =-P

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At this point, honestly, all I can do is /sigh.

I'll second that one.



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4 Paladins




You know what I think about having less than 1/8 of the raid dedicated to pallies. :?

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I can't really think of how this can be a good idea. I really hope Blizzard rethinks this decision.

Sorry to those who want to roll a shaman.


However, blood elf paladins will be kind of nasty with their racials in pvp....

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Burn that bridge when we get to it.


I think it's nice for the devs to point out that even though the Shaman / Pally difference is gone, you will still notice that they have different racials! Wooooo! Different racial...man...that is so awesome like night and day!


I thought maybe with the new expansion they'd release more classes to play for each side, but now I know that no matter what each side will have the same stupid class. The same Hand of Rag pally in PvP and the same "whatever uber" shammy. It's nice to know that everything will be so predictable now, I hate those...differences and what puzzles me is that Blizz is saying that every major change creates fear. Yeah, being the same is a change, more like an anti-change. Taking something that could've been tweeked and instead creating drones.


I say get rid of different talent points from everyone and give us 1 huge tree we can all share, I hate how there's so many classes with differences. That way everyone can do everyone's job and we won't NEED a raid composition! Just send in random 40 people and they all have same skills and same loot. Not need to fight over who gets what...it's a UTOPIA! Let's call this new class "COKIECUTER" that way we all know and feel safe when approaching each other since every possible difference is washed away.


I say all bosses should drop the same loot each time and every instance should be build the same way. Also, I hate how IF has the big pit in the middle, I demand one for Taurenorcatrollamar!


I don't want Shamans in our raid, but I guess it's an necessary evil. We need someone to share our loot tables with, I hate how the caster gear and dps gear actually goes to dps / caster classes!


I feel like I'm stuck in an episode of caveman lawyer and Blizzards answer to making Horde / Alliance different is to say "These...differences confuse me...I'm just a Caveman...we all have the same caves and clubs!"



I hope that the whole 70 level will add some changes to each class in such a way that even if you are a warrior, you can still be a bit different.

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Also keep in mind that the Hero Classes (whenever they get around to making them) may not be the same for the classes of each faction. So a Hero Alliance Paly may be very different from a Hero Horde Paly.

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They've already said they are scrapping "hero classes" as we expected.


The name "hero class" was too hyped up, and though they want to offer new progession some odd way, they won't be hero classes.


There is no hope! /cry :cry:

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They've already said they are scrapping "hero classes" as we expected.


The name "hero class" was too hyped up, and though they want to offer new progession some odd way, they won't be hero classes.


There is no hope!  /cry  :cry:


You mean there is no hope that they could be lieing. I mean I believe Dev's were quoted as saying we will never give alliance shamans and never let horde have paladins.


Never give up hope when the people are trying to be shadey and lie about what is really happening so people do not go crazy and make 5 page posts in guild forums adn 20 page posts at warcraft.com

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Well they could be lying, that of course is a possibility. However, look at the trend.


In beta they said hero classes shortly after release. They then put that "In development". That then went to "On the horizon", and finally, off the menu it seems.



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