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Well.... it's like the subject says. I'm moving on. This has nothing to do with the Prophets. You guys are great. It has to do with myself, my play style, and my schedule. I've been with the guild since the merge and have enjoyed every second of it. I've helped alot of you get to where you are today and vice versa. I have and will always be willing to help out anyone in the guild regardless of where I go to. So don't remove me from your friends lists ;p. Good luck all. You will be missed.

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See you later buddy, you know I'll always be around to lend a hand.

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It's been fun man, gl in that crazy thing called RL!

(which btw i have yet to determine what or where it is....)

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Send me a tell if ever need help! Especially if you need someone who's not that great a healer, a horrible DPS, pretty crap crowd control, and only useful for an innervate every 6 minutes, when I remember! =D


So far... no one ever takes me up on that offer...

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