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I chat in guildchat a bit, and I am getting to know a little bit more about a few of the members of the guild. Three members are actually RL friends of mine(Honki, Dragonlgnd, and "Van da Man" Vanin), but I know that other than them, absolutely 0 other people really know squat about me. So, since I am working hard on reaching 60(and the opportunity to go on Onyxia runs), I just thought I would tell people more about myself, and try to get to know more about other members.


My name is Jason. I am 25 years old. I live in Norcross, which is near Atlanta. However, I am originally from Texas. I lived there for 14 years, and though I have lived in 7 different states since leaving, nothing is as fantastic in my mind as the Lone Star State. When I am not leveling my hunter, I hang out with the 3 previously mentioned(along with others who are not FPs...those poor souls). We do geek stuff, for that's what we are...we play video games and card games and watch really terrible movies like the new Fast and the Furious flick. I run Hero Clix tournaments once a week at The War Room, which is one of the gaming stores we attend. I am pretty big into a lot of things...comics, anime, but primarily I am a sports nut. I am HUGE into baseball. I am a die-hard Texas Rangers fan(even though most years, they suck), and am an even bigger fan of Nolan Ryan. I know nearly all of his career stats by heart. I work at a job that, for the most part, I dislike...though I hope to be changing that soon. It pays the rent(I live in a hotel...I solo life...get more loot that way hehe) and for my WoW account, so I can't complain too much. My parents live in Houston. I hope to go back and visit real soon. I also want to get them hooked on WoW at some point...hopefully, if they play, they can join the guild and play alongside me! My theme song in life is "Baby Got Back" by Sir-Mix-A-Lot...cuz I like big butts, and I cannot lie!


For the most part, that really about covers me. So, what can you guys(and ladies) tell me about yourselves? I hope to get lots of responses from the FP, so that I can know more about the people that I will one day be working with in huge raids against nasty bugs and dragons and undead thingies. Oh, and one more thing...



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Haha! I would, but I'm having too much fun questing with his alt(Potionyguy). He's been...busy, to say the least. I'll let him know, though.

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hi jason... i think its cute that you are uber friendly. most people call me klakla and i am relatively mean. i really like polly-o string cheese and picking on hykos. thanks for watching!! thats a reference to a gif i made actually. enjoy:



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I'm Hykos. I stalk Klaudia. I also supply HV with his babies. If you want a dime bag let me know.

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I'm Gynis. I am also new to the Guild. Hykos got me in, but made me send him nudie pics. Of myself.

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It's true, but only cause I had to pay off Stang. He doesn't except cash. He requires nudie pics.

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Haha! You people are all insane...I think I'm gonna fit in with this guild just fine! As for smoking babies, my doctor told me to cut back.

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Hello, Jason, I've seen you in guild chat (I think I was on Didge at the time) and you were quoting that song you like. As for this line of post, I think it would be best if I distanced myself from most who've replied, but, just to be clear ... Hykos did not require nudie pics from me, as I'm a mage, those went to S9 ..... but I sent Hykos a set just because. :oops:

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hi jason... i think its cute that you are uber friendly. most people call me klakla and i am relatively mean. i really like polly-o string cheese and picking on hykos. thanks for watching!! thats a reference to a gif i made actually. enjoy:




She meant to say "My name is Klakla and I smoke drugs."

It's true, but only cause I had to pay off Stang.  He doesn't except cash.  He requires nudie pics.



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I'm Hykos. I stalk Klaudia. I also supply HV with his babies. If you want a dime bag let me know.

Hahaha Hykos


I just spit champagne and caviar all over my $600 tie."

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No, you're Moky. I'm stealing you from the locks.

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No, you're Moky. I'm stealing you from the locks.


I have a lvl 20 druid alt. Going to steal him too bastage?



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Yeah...I'm jealous. Your tie costs more than I make in two weeks. I just wish you ran it through a paper shredder by accident instead.



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I have a lvl 20 druid alt.  Going to steal him too bastage?


Hell no! I'm not touching you with a 10 foot pole. You're staying with Kaslor.

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The dr00ds have enough rampant nudity (not counting the furlbog) without Dez in our ranks...good call Hykos.

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Okay, so far, this is what I have learned about people in the FP.


1. Hvilelos smokes babies.

2. Bentley kicks kittens.

3. Shikimaru has too much money.

4. Stang collects nudie pics.

5. Gynis is stang's nudie pic supplier, stalks Klaudia, and supplies HV with his babies. Talk about being an antropenour.

6. Kidnapping characters seems to be abundant in this guild.


Not exactly the things I thought I was going to learn about people...but I suppose it's a start!

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1. Hvilelos smokes babies.

Correction, Shiki smokes babies. Hvil "never inhaled".


2. Bentley kicks kittens.

Correct! I also must add that Stricnyne runs over them with a lawnmower.


3. Shikimaru has too much money.

Yes and no. The truth is Shiki is the FP liar. Kinda like the town idiot. You just can't believe the stuff that comes out of his mouth. (except for the baby smoking)


4. Stang collects nudie pics.

True! +10 points


5. Gynis is stang's nudie pic supplier, stalks Klaudia, and supplies HV with his babies. Talk about being an antropenour.

Yes, but I'm his middle man (it's the only way I could get out of taking nudie pics of myself. Trust me, no one wants to see that). And I'm the one that stalks Klaudia. Gynis stalks Klaudius.

Also note that entrepreneur=unemoployed in Gynis speak.


6. Kidnapping characters seems to be abundant in this guild.

Remember this phrase: "Blackmail is the key to prosperity"

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So, by my calculations, I scored a C+ on this exam, right? Does that mean I get a cool consolation prize? And please tell me it's not nudie pics of Gynis. Some things are better left just completely unimagined...or ever even seen.

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