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Yay! this turned into what I wanted it to turn.


I spent my last couple of posts arguing why one should care about such topic. I didn't even bother to put my opinion on the matter into play.


Personally, I am not against GMOs. They offer a great promise to the future. the potential to curing diseases that up to now are uncurable, supplying food for the hungry, offering more comfortable lifestyles. I am all for that.


My problem with this issue is not the idea that humans are playing God. My problem is that they are trying to play God very poorly.


Most of the studies towards the safetly of these GMOs are poorly done, corrupted or disriguarded if the result is not desired. This is a sacrilege on what science is about; Finding the unbiased truth.


As you can see on the second link I posted; the studies are poorly designed and bear no true scientific evidence that these GMOs are safe. This is blamed to corporations and their finacial interest in themarketing of these GMOs. I don't really care, my problem is with people taking shortcuts and not abiding by the proper scientific method. It simply hinders the potential of this technology.


Now you can argue that "we will survive" if something happens. But why not just follow the proper procedures and make it a lot less complicated in the future.

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Must have taken forever for this to get posted because Siege's post was essentially the same as mine. Rather then have you all read it again (even though mine was much more pithy) I am just editing it out and saying if God didn't want us to use our brains, he would have given us the capability for independent action and logic.

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Personally, I'm holding out for Nano-Modified Food. I want a banana that not only tastes good, but contains thousands of microscopic robots that scrub the lining of my intestines while I digest.

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