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Well I thought I would just throw this out there if any of you want to try it.


It is just hard to show you guys how to do a lot of this stuff so bear with me and I’m sure I will have to edit these posts over time. Maybe in the future we can set up a place for me to upload a full add on but for now I’ll step you through it.


The first thing you have to do is make a place to make your add on.


Go to your Worlds of Warcraft folder

ex. C:\Program Files\WorldsofWarcraft

Open the interface folder

Open the addons folder


Make a new folder called “FPmod”

In this folder make 3 text files (you can edit them with notepad for now) name them the following






Ok the lua file is the one that I use the most it has all the script. (the work horse)

The toc file will not be changed very much it ever.

The xml file is for making anything visual on your screen.



In the FPmod.toc file paste the following and save

## Interface: 1900

## Title: Forgotten Prophets Mod

## Notes: Forgotten Prophets Mod FTW!

## OptionalDeps:

## Dependencies:  



In the FPmod.xml paste the following and save

<Ui xmlns="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/"   xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"   xsi:schemaLocation="http://www.blizzard.com/wow/ui/">  

<Script file="FPmod.lua"/>

<Frame name="FPmodFrame">  










<GameTooltip name="FPmodTooltip" frameStrata="TOOLTIP" hidden="true" inherits="GameTooltipTemplate">  



   this:SetOwner(WorldFrame, "ANCHOR_NONE");  






In the FPmod.lua paste the following and save

function Test()


ChatFrame1:AddMessage('Forgotten Prophets Mod Works... FTW!');




Ok now start wow

When you’re at the character screen click the add-on button in the lower left

Find the Forgotten Prophets mod and make sure it is checked


Enter the world

Now make a new macro with the following


/script Test();


Now drag the macro to one of your bars and press it.

If you see "Forgotten Prophets Mod Works... FTW!" in your main chat window then you did it right and are ready for my future posts.

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Well I like to make priest mods... smile.gif

But I’m open to suggestions. Just remember for me to do it will take time and I can not test them well because i don't have a 60 of everyclass. That is why I posted this, so if anyone wants to give it a try they can.


I’m thinking about making a heal monitor like the resurrection monitor so everyone can see who already is getting a heal cast on them.

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What kind of mod would help you play better? The sky is jsut about the limit with this. Everyone has their own style of play so throw some ideas out.


One of the ones we were talking about today was a CTRaid style player list that would pop healing icons next to that player when they were having heals cast on them. So if Gryph's health is getting low, he and the rest of the raid group know what heals are in queue for him. I've seen a few times when i've called for some love that I'll get nailed with 15k worth of heals.


Another one for those who use the whole CTraid display bit, was when you target a player, it would instantly play a sound if that target was out of range or line of sight. Instead of waiting for it to tell you.

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