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FP, are you up to the bad joke challenge?! I think you are, 'cause I've heard some of you who thought you were being funny, and well, yeah .... this one's for you Lt. (Better known as Danarus) :-)


What did the policeman say to his shirt?


I'm placing you under a vest.

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Why did the golfer bring two pairs of pants to the course?


In case he got a hole in one =)

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so a guy walks into a bar


it hurt.



What kind of cheese isnt yours?


Nacho cheese

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so a guy walks into a bar


it hurt.



What kind of cheese isnt yours?


Nacho cheese


I was about to do that one.

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What do you get with two Star Wars fans, a Darth Vader mask, and a glow in the dark condom?


The Empire Strikes back.

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what do you call two Mexicans playing basketball?




Juan on Juan.




Okay, I win.

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There are two biscuits in the oven. One biscuit turns to the other and says "Holy crap its hot in here" The other biscuit in complete surprise says "Holy crap a talkin biscuit!"

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What's in the middle of nowhere?




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