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Women seem to especially like it if you are more devoted to your bad music, biker gang, forearm tattoo or marijuana. These all seem to work wonders.


At least one part of this quote is absolutely TRUE!!!

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ladder theory is ftw, i remember reading this a few years ago. Still comes up in conversations to this day. Outlaw bikers ftw!

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Valdez, I want to bear your children.


While on this topic, Vanin posted an editorial about some black dude teaching English in Japan way back when. I got to reading some of his other articles...










Really all his stuff is good. The above is more like Ladder Theory Supplimentary.

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I've only read "Clubbing" so far and I loved it. I'll be sure to read the rest later. Mad props on posting those.

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Thanks Dez, now that I've read this for like the 15th time, I've got a whole new level of self loathing.



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haha that was funny, nothing to live by, but funny none the less

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This is the first time I have seen this, but I do agree with a lot of its points. Although...I do have some pretty ugly girlfriends =\

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