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It has been interesting


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As time flows on relentlessly, all things change, and all things must come to an end. As such, I have watched Forgotten Prophets change and my mistakes grow; so my time with the guild must come to an end. I think that I am now useless enough to leave without affecting the guild in any way that would matter to it today. Most likely this post is entirely unnecessary. Perhaps it marks a new stage in the guild's growth. But most likely that stage came a long time ago, and I was just too blind to see it. In any case, as is the natural evolution of guilds, so is Forgotten Prophets' evolution. I bid the guild good luck in its endeavors, whatever they may be.


It has been a long road, but I fear the guild took a different path than I some ways back, and there will be no return. I hope that as memory fades and legacy dies, Forgotten Prophets will still stand strong. I will not say that I will be proud, because I failed. I will not give admonition or advice, for I know nothing of the guild's new path.


As for me, it is doubtful I will join another guild. I may log on from time to time to kill a few mobs, or pvp, or make some money for my priest, but more than likely I will play my warrior on Smolderthorn for a while, level and gear my priest, then quit the game.


Those of you who have been there since the early days and helped build and support, you have my thanks. Those of you who I have come to think of as friends, I will miss you.


That is all I have for now; so with that, I bid you all, farewell.

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bye shoopaloopa

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I saw you come, and now I see you go. You have been a great friend and leader. The road has been long and arduous, and I think you're the reason we held together in trying times. Perhaps we have not reached the goals of our youth, perhaps we have failed to meet the ideal we were striving for. Yet, we have created something that stood, and will continue to stand the test of time. In my opinion, that one event, devising something grander than oneself and seeing it take on a life of it's own is a wonderious occurance few may take part in. And so, it is with a heavy heart that I must bid you farewell, for you will always remain in my memory.

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WHY SHOOP WHY!!!!!!!!! I remembered those days back when Shoop was still a youngin trying to quest in stonetalon mountain and I came to your rescue. Man we have too many memories together, you can't go! BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!O!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Giving up only insures that you have failed.


You know that I am a shoopaloop fan. You know I respect you greatly. I do not mean that comment as a slander, hopefully as motivation to not give up. We all get aggrevated... and maybe the guild is not what you invisioned. But if it contains your friends, who cares. It is a game and FP is more about friends than anything. We may make rules that effect loot or raids... but that is not FP's purpose and so you have not failed. It is only a asspect of the guild and the friendships are real in FP... I would deem that as a greater success than anything else.


I would like you to reconsider, and if after you do you still feel that you no longer want to play or raid with us then I do bid you a entertaining ride the rest of your WoW days and I mean it when I say it was a honor.

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I hope you find what it is youre looking for. Perhaps we'll get to play together once the expansion comes out, I have a feeling you may roll an alliance warrior.


BTW, i miss everyone.


even you cer, you too busy with rl to play SOB.

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I'm going to miss you shoop, after I stepped down I was looking forward to hanging out with you. But sadly that has not come to pass. You know what this is going to make me do? Play my goddamn shaman.


and I hate my shaman.



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Shoopaloop, you are the one who kept me in FP. The /gkick you delivered to me (A real one, I might add) back when my intentions were unsure made me see what I would have been leaving behind if I had left FP. If that were the only thing you had done for me, it would be enough. Yet, you helped mold this guild. It may not have been your vision, but without you I would have never met the fantastic people I share my days with (you being one of them). Your playtime has been wavering as of late, and I haven't been able to talk to you as much as I would have liked to, but I always enjoyed our conversations. I still feel bad about the Lava Dredger, and I probablly always will. If anything, it will serve to me a reminder of what you did for the guild. Again, much thanks to you Shoaven, and I bid you farewell. Good luck with that epic quest known as "Real Life", I know you will succeed at whatever you attempt. PM me if you want my e-mail or something so we can stay in touch.


/target Shoopaloop




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Gonna miss ya shoop even tho you haven't been on as much lately. Been a long time even waaaaay back when i was a only a baby rogue figuring out HOW to backstab, was nice to call ya leader and send people to talk to you. Even through all the merges, for the most part, things worked out. Don't forever be a stranger, stop back time to time on the forums/in game and say hi. You helped to start all of this, it may not be exactly as you envisioned, but something good did come from your efforts. I doubt many of us will really forget that. Good luck, wherever the winds of fate may take you.

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It's been an honour to know you shoop! Even though we didnt a lot of things the same way, you hv made a huge difference to this guild and I respect that!


Its just game and I hope you will still enjoy playing it as time passes!


Good luck & take care!

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O_o I remember when you stepped down from leader... well shoop, GL in School and with that warrior


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I'm not really sure how to respond to this. Mainly because I didnt find out about it until sarah told me on ST tonight. I think the guild has suffered a terrible loss today as one of the most outstanding people has left. I know I'll see you just as much because I've been playing on undead shad like crazy. But AB will not be the same unless we swap KB steals sad.gif I'm sad that you felt there was no other option but if being in FP did not make you happy you have to do what you have to do.



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I am gonna pwn you in posts if you act like a stranger. I mean as if me pwning you in DPS, and healing wasn't enough... now post too... I just think you should come back and continue the good fight. Things don't always come out 100% perfect... but if you look at the goods vs the bads... I think the obvious is standing out.


I am not 100% sure of what your vision is of FP. I am not even sure if I agree with your vision. Friends have a tendacy to disagree. Valdez doesn't think everything I say is right. Valdez is the Bomb. Hykos misread my intentions on a post but I love Hykos. I love that I can agree to disagree or debate but when it comes down to the friendship it is not an issue because everyone can not always agree 100 on issues. But as friends we are friends and that is thicker than a heated topic or a vision. Because people disagree or see things differently does not mean someone does or does not like you or that your efforts have been a failure.

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