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hello there fellaz, Some of you *hopefully* know who i am... Im Matty, im known mostly as Calaren smile.gif



as i see most of u are people i dont know... When Knights of Anubis was created, about a week or two after i joined...

i became the webmaster, and worked my way near the top... i donated 1/2 the cost of the tabard to the guild, when people were lucky to have even 2-3gold biggrin.gif


Just giving u guys heads up, that i was thinking about coming back for a while, as i quit due to the shazzbot of a game being fux0red up back when lag was HUGE, and the endgame suxed...


Anywho, if u hav any issues/ideas, lemme know smile.gif i may b able to come up with somethin biggrin.gif


i just may have to take over as webmaster agin biggrin.gif


i actually got my webpage up (finally) and i just got my site up although its still under construction biggrin.gif


u can chek it out at http://mdaize.dyndns.org

its going to b my personal/business website smile.gif

ima prolly going to start my own app/webpage business (hopefully)


all i ask is an open mind and some suggestions biggrin.gif


Something though that im curious about... would u guys switch over to a new server if it was created... for example, blizzard mite b starting a RP PVP server from scratch

i really dont want to lvl without others smile.gif

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we'd love to have you back =P ... i think we're pretty entrenched in Skullcrusher by now though heh... the lag is better (save for in Molten Core at peak times).


hint: cloth ftw

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Yay! Cal's back! Can't wait to go back to killing mobs with ya! biggrin.gif


I wouldn't mind starting a new char if a new server was created, though I doubt such a thing happening. I'm pretty set in SC, and unless the bulk of the guild went over, I'd only spend part of my time in the new locale.


Oh, and regain your rightful place as webmaster! The other people are too lazy, and we need a nice overhaul. :wink:

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Its ok. Some of the members have 2nd or 3rd alts who are near your level now.

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yeah dude we all have massive alt issues lol... roll a dwarf priest or a warlock and just watch yourself level as everyone comes to help you =P


hell even a mage wink.gif

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Hehe...I have an alt of every class but warrior as of right now. Yet, I don't have alt issues! tongue.gif

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