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Ok guys,


You may or may not know I've been bustin tail this last week to get my tier .5 set. Well I'm on THE last quest. Its a 10 man raid boss in UBRS that I summon in the beasts room. Big suprise.. hes extremely hard. I would like a stacked team to show this big boy whos boss and to be one of the first alliance guilds on the server to take him down.




There he is. He owned my group hard tonight and I want payback. smile.gif Lets show him FPFTMFW.


I'll post a rough strat below from allakhazam. Please help me out guys.


Phase 1~~ He dosnt do much damage, but he summons little shadow people, these people will cast a spell on u that looks like drain soul, its about a 7~10 second long, while u are being "drained" u can not move, cast, or do anything, its up to the other raid members to kill this guy for u, if the dot stays on u till tis over u die, lol so dont let it stay on u, its necessary to kill these guys as soon as they spawn, and they sapwn 2 at a time

also, it seemed that he would heal every now and then, liek a drain life for 10k life : 0, have a war/rogue shield slap/kick him to stop it AS SOON as u see Lord Valthalak do a drain on the MT.

Healing isnt that big of an issue, because he dosnt do that much damage during phase 1, have locks/priest/hunters drain mana as soon as the battle starts (he only has 2k mana so u can drain his mana really quickly into the battle), (also, it seemd that lord valthalak did a crazy 5k aoe damage when we where all grouped together, there may be another cause of his aoe but i highly suggest u all spread out, thats what worked for us)


Phase 2~~ at 40% he goes insane, his staff switches into some killer weapon and he dishes out alot more damage, suggested that the warrior shield walls as soon as phase 2 starts becuase he really dishes out some serious damage, this phase is a straight up, tank em rock em fight, keep tank healed!


Phase 3~~ at 10% it really goes to hell, he starts running around spamming shadow bolts to every one in the raid, i belive u just straight up zerg him down fast at the last 10%




Reply to this if you want in for sure after MC tonight. I will be actively recruiting after MC!!! zomg biggrin.gif

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Hmm... i dont know if i can do it after MC as i hv class but i'm up for it when i'm online and u need me!


Since ur almost done... i'm gonna need you to help me summon the druid boss in LBRS (voone's room) he drops a druid relic! zomg!


But i will say that i wanna try this boss... sounds like fun!

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Only thing that would hold me back is if I'm already falling asleep at the keyboard.

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Thanks to those who have shown interest so far smile.gif I understand it may be late for some buy hopefully we can still get in a shot or two.

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I'll be on at 130 am if the server lets me

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Ok Obviously this isnt set in stone because of potentially how late this could run. But so far I have:



Shad - 60 Rogue

Stang - 60 Priest

Miz - 60 Hunter

Stricnyne - 60 Mage

Joesf - 60 Warrior

Loofa - 60 Hunter

Valdez - 60 Pally

History - 60 Lock

Dagorian - 60 Druid


Thats 9/10 so far we could use another rogue or another warrior if Joesf doesnt want to tank biggrin.gif


Thanks for the support again guys I'm really excited to try this out biggrin.gif

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i cant come shad, that to late at night for me =(

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So the raid didnt work out mostly due to the time issue. So until I find a better time this event will be on hold. Thanks to all those that volunteered.

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