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Alright, I dunno about you guys, but I'm starting to get kinda bored with AV (and AB to an extent, but its still fun!). Many of us remember the times before the battlegrounds patch where towns would get raided and your faction would all of a sudden summon up this army and there would be a big world PvP fest... now thats what I call PvP.


So how about it? I propose that we relive the old days for an hour or so and raid the hell out of a town (tarren mill is the most nostalgic for me haha). You know, kill the wind rider handler and all the rest!



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great idea,, we should make the horde feal the wrath of FP...ive been wanting to destroy every horde town since the first time i got ganked by 3 lvl 60's and camped for about a half hour...


Burn it,,, burn it all down,,,

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there are still gruops that attack terran Mill and X roads every day..

Blizzard hooked us up with throwing a bunch of mobs everyone needs for both Horde and Alliance....... SILITHUS..... want some global, griefing, ganking/camping PvP...

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