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Theres also the Aelora test


If Im attracted to you, you're probably gay.


Whats the verdict on me? I want to test your theory :twisted:


p.s. I rofl'd quite a bit at this one. =P

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Wow. I honestly don't know how to respond. I just don't know. Oh wait, yes I do! I have something exactly for this type of situation!



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This is also me at work, under my desk, where I like to take naps.




I'm going to completely ignore most of the conversation that happened before this post.

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Gynis, you posted the link to the webpage and not the actual pic. I took care of it for you buddy wink.gif



NVM, it worked on preview but not when i posted it. Image Dump says you cannot directly link pics for some reason.

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I had early warnings on you, stang, when you flirted with Kaliss more then me. smile.gif

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It's reasons like that that I am SO glad females are repulsed by me.


And then I remember that the ladies hate t3h Heliacon =/


Zomg Valarie ftl. I want a pic like that right now D;

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my old freind , why must u think you repulse females , i think u say things like that out of mind games and we all know u sit back and think of the massive stud that you are, i know u want to tell us the truth i can feell it





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yea heliacon, i wasnt replused by you.


and amanda must be replused by me cause im pretty sure im not gay.

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Sorry Stang, Aelora told me that I should only go out into public with a bag on my head and that children must weep at the very sight of me because she finds me so repulsive. I don't think I'm your type. tongue.gif

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*Puts a soft comfy blanket, some pillows, and cookies under her desk*


Ohhhh I hope I catch A Gynis today!

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hahahahahaha, roxee is man hunting.


side note, who wants to throw my picture up seeing as im too lazy to and host it somewhere?

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LOL Roxee... I was thinking something along thoes lines LOL!!!


Damnit I hate it when I am too slow!


FP has gone SEXY! Of Course the ladies win hands down, but still smile.gif


Loofa smiles never hurt anyone I always smile. smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif


So Gynis you ever get a kink in your neck? Looks kinda painful?

"Good thing we have a doctor?"


Heliacon not repulsed by; maybe disturbed is a better word. ?????


I hate pictures, well love taking them but hate having mine taken.... so you get what you get. Sorry but I was smiling in it O.o!!!!

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Actually, that's usually what I look like when I've been discovered and am flailing around to talk to them. Otherwise, I just kind of curl up in a ball with my COMPANY ISSUE Shrek Slippers. They're hot.

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Lol. I don't like my pics being taken either. And I'm not vain so one's enough for me heh. I sometimes wonder about girls who post more than a few. Maybe they are realllly into themselves or maybe I am too self consciious. *shrug*


Teah, email it to me and I'll put it up in my photobucket thingy.


Also anyone looking for someplace to host their stuff...



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