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OH noes!


You guys got pics of me drunk? Was it up on the bull? lol

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Evan, please don't tell me you rode a mechanical bull drunk... LMAO... If so i must hear this story. I MUST...........



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Well here it goes but Miz might get mad and Miz's pic is old from like last year but hell with it


thats me with my new board


Yeah im Mike Jones WHO MIKE JONES!http://img475.imageshack.us/img475/2668/img15406ax.th.jpg

thats miz when me and him were in Germany for Soccer mmmmmm ice cream i will update his pic soon

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G G G G UNIT! :-P and MIZ, look at you too, heehee and in germany? nice yall play soccer.. .by the looks of miz he either just got done at midField or just woke up, lol....

cheers you two...... gunit


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I am a freshman at Woodstown Highschool and i love this and Halo 2

My Xbox live account is conquerer9

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Whos who? Is miz the one with the board and gunit the one with the stoned look on his face?


FoB - Fresh off the boat for conventional azns.

Fresh out the box for us viets who arent good enuff for boats.

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miz is the one on the bottom, with the drowsy look, g-unit is the surfer-boy

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Miz stop getting stoned.


ROFL, that pic is soo bad lol. I was jet lagged form the flight to Germany and we had to play a game the next day, and I play Midfield ><. No sleep and midfield just don't mix well.


I'll put a better pic up later, sicne thhat was a year and a half ago.


Thx for putting up a hilarious pic Gunit :evil:

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Its an epic battle between Joesf and the Boss!


Compaq Rack Rail

2Handed Sword

+100 to Racking a Compaq


Styrofoam Helm of Might


+100 Packaging


Static Bag Toga

+100 Statics Resist

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Now you guys get to see what I have to work with :wink:

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those do look like helms of might! thats awesome

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those do look like helms of might! thats awesome


Ya, thats what started it. We had just unpacked a new tape library and I saw the styrofoam piece. Luci walked past the window and I threw it on my head. Then my boss did the same. Then of course we had to battle.

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Eww...midfield. Too much running back and forth, lol.

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Eww...midfield.  Too much running back and forth, lol.



Did u used to play Heilel?

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