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Rofl...well I hope this doesnt change anything Erlin, when you get back You best send me some tells, I miss them wink.gif



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haha, of course not! i kinda figured you were a guy after i heard you on vent.

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lmfao stang...how u doin? wink.gifwink.gif


yeah thats true Erlin, if youve heard me on Vent, i guess its obvious im a guy...but not eveyrone has heard me on vent, im sure theres a few ppl that thoght i was a chick... Meh. I once had this WoW guy think i was a chick, and i didnt tell him i wasnt, (he never asked!!) and he gave me stuff.....lol it was way back when i was a noob...he gave me money and bought me stuff from AH...he was my man bitch. lmfao! of course i dont do that now tho =/ *whips shoop* laugh.gif j/k tongue.gif

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I still think Aelora is a man.. just with a sexy voice... I mean hey.. look at Tammy.. right? could be related.. its all I'm saying...

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ROFL, remember that guy? what was his name? when we were doing Ancient Egg or some nonsense, maybe Saving Sharpbeak.. and he thought we were lesbian roomates... and went "afk" for 10 minutes. ROFL that was the best thing EVER.





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OMG! Yes! that was bloody hilarious!! we were all flirting with each other (me and shoop) and all like Mm ur hot and stuff, and the guy was like "omg stop ur getting me all excited" and "do you two really live togeather" and we were like we sure do stud. The I proceeded to mention something about touching shoops breasts or something (cant remember exactly what i said) and then he (the guy) went AFK. LOL omg we laughed so hard. was good times laugh.gif





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Damnit, I always miss out on this fun stuff. I would have made it a threesome. lol...

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OK it's new pic time *sigh* I may as well get these out of the way so I don't have to post new ones for another year!








me, again =/ *fixed lighting and cropped by request, you know who youare heh*



ok ok I know I was told to NEVER mention that I'm married IRL, but at least he's not in this pic! This is my Mommy and I on my wedding day smile.gif

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Roxee teh Foxee puts a new meaning to WoW!!!! Veeeery nice m'lady. :wink:

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  • 2 weeks later...




this is my tatto sorry about clearness sicne its my cell phone but u get the drift




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man that thing is huge, must have taken many hours, eh? i'll post mine up when it's healed.

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Finally looked through this thread although most of the pictures are broken /cry and thought id put one up of myself. Like most people i hate pretty much every picture of me but i found this one and quite liked it.


Before my agro days i was a traitorous assassin and here im reaching for my trusty deagle about to end someones day with a big biggrin.gif



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Here is a shot from a few days ago. Halloween for the win! My costume fell thru, but yeah, I was going to dress up! I swear!


Enigami was there, but she left a bit before this was taken.



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Warriors = Big Pimpin Studs!




Stang, you mean you weren't dressed up as an online /tell groper?!



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