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Wanted to get some opinions from some grizzled vets on warlock talents. The hybrid SM/Ruin template looked pretty good to me, but I made a few minor modifications.


Basically, I didn't master SM, rather put some points in Life Drain and Mana Drain and stuck a couple points in Demonology for Improved Healthstone.




Is it worth me putting the points into Improved Healthstone or should I just max out SM?

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honest suggestion i think u need improved immolate and improved imp no matter what the case... i think those 2 are key i would take away the points from intensity... and remove points of improved healthstone if u dont use HS that much.



Nomad. 60-lock pure destruction i think like 35 pts in destruction.

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Thanks NomadKiller. Those do sound like they should be part of every lock's bag o'tricks. I took some off my developement of my warlock to try, well, just about everything else. I'm curretly really diggin' on my gnome rogue. He may be coin farmer.


But I will be using healthstones quite a bit I believe. It's seems to be my MO to solo for quite some time while I figure things out. So I'll need all the healing I can get.


I love how many characters I get. I also love being able to mail stuff to your other characters. Well done Blizzard.

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