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i went to the mill died once then sat at the farm and waited for my token /flex


Is it just me or did you die four times not once.



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You guys are brutal, leave the orcy alone.


yeah seriously you guys are jumping down his throat hes just havin a lil fun smile.gif

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So am I. As you can see I definately have 0 KB's. I just pointed out that he didn't kill me.


I waved at him while I was in there... even waved farewell once O.o


Sorry I don't PuG. If you see me I am rolling with LD or 14 Prophets. Both scenarios are not very well for the horde.

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/hug Gorelash

/accidentally hits him with thorns


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Goreslash is my buddy. I will kill anyone who's got a problem with that. Even if it means I have to kill him. I'll do it. Don't tempt me!

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yea by sitting at the farm i meant just that. they can farm me all they want i get no honor from them anymore after the first 2 games i lose to them. its all good tho id be mad if i was a priest too. stang can solo me tho he proved it outside ironforge <3

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I'm going to go with more than likely. I think I ran into you in blackrock mountain a few days ago. I die a lot so its hard to keep track. smile.gif

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lol yea arlan i remember u u and a rogue killed me then i came back when u were fightin some other hordies and got revenge but i think i left there that day with u up on me 2-1 =) <3

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Damnit Gore... you just killed me twice in row within a span of 30secs in AB! lol


*Makes Goreslash macro for next time*

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I didnt know he came back... i was just trying to delay you from capping but then again pretty obvious that you came after me since i forced res.


I got pwned on the 1vs1 part tho =P


Next time i see you, rest assured i'm gonna be hiding and aim shoot you when you're not looking! :twisted:

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yea the rogue blinded me when i was like 3 seconds off the cap =( either way my pug got owned in that game so u won in the end hehe

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I think it just comes down to everyone has killed everyone.

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