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just out of curiosity how many of you have i killed. im a 60 orc shaman named goreslash, please state the instance in which ive killed you or /gasp if youve ever killed me, and beorn doesnt count hes just lucky.

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I'm pretty sure I've killed you in AB a few times but I've got bad luck with shamans so I'm sure you've killed me too

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Your name sounds sort of familiar... I usually have pretty good luck dealing with Shamans, (Free Action Potion and poisons ftw). I don't lose to many Shamans...but there have been a few tongue.gif ...but I always get even hehe

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Not me. I don't remember the last time I even saw a Shaman. I have a macro that notifies me if one is within 200 yards so I can stealth and GTFO. :-)

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I dont know the name but I dont spend a ton of time PvPing cause I suck at it. So yeah.... if I have ever fought you, you probably won.

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I do not think the question is have you killed me... as much as it is how many people have I kept alive to prevent you from killing.

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just out of curiosity how many of you have i killed. im a 60 orc shaman named goreslash, please state the instance in which ive killed you or /gasp if youve ever killed me, and beorn doesnt count hes just lucky.



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I don't know if you've killed me, but I killed you multiple times. I even called it when I'm coming for you too... nubcake.

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dude i've pwned u quite a few times wink.gif



hehe tongue.gif


Just curious what is the highest rank u've gotten/rank u are at now?

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well, i know that i have died to many people in AB, but everyone that i have been killed by has felt my wrath....not only did they feel the wrath....they died from it....my wrath has killed you /silence shaman done phase me wink.gif

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I doubt you've killed me one on one but in AV or AB with a bunch of people helping on both of us you probably have.

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lol so many haters to answer a previous question i just started my rank grind again and im rank 9 and climbing should be 10 by tuesday =)


its ok to admit a shaman killed u, just be honest but for the ones who say theyve killed me i remember most of you, but rofl at the paladin of course ive never solo killed u its impossible unless i catch u running alone in BRM and we can fight for 20 mins =)


its ok tho its all <3

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I don't hate... I don't kill either. My most powerful spell is a SW:P that ticks for what 180 per tick?


You want a cookie for killing a priest? Yeah you have killed me. But I have watched you die at my feet many times for me doing my job correctly and healing people as well.


I would dare say anyone who regularly PvP's has died to you at some point and you have died to most everyone at some point as well if they PvP regularly. I am sure if I came to your forums and said how many of you have died to people I have healed and watched kill you I would not get a honorary member status and a warm welcome.


O.k. I might make honorary member but I wouldn't be welcomed warmly by everyone LOL


/miss Apot

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I eat Shaman. They taste like Paladin but with more DPS O_o smile.gif
Joe, I freaking hate you.


As to the OP, no idea. :?

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I remember you. I know I've killed you a few times straight up in AB. I'm sure you got lucky killing me....maybe smile.gif

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You killed me last night. Something about "Well, if you're going to die anyways, I might as well get some honor for it."


<3 Goreslash

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I hate sounding like a hater so I will just use pictures to answer you.



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