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Im in the process of redoing Vinds vids to help people a bit more then just show the kills and u know ive always been helpin FP so you get first look altho there publicly posted. Stang heres a link i only have Chrom done i know u guys arnt there yet but haveing a head start never hurt ill get the others done this next clear hopefully.



Madi's Movies


As ive always said keep moveing forward FP and im always here for you if u need me. smile.gif

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o_O HE SAID vONDS VIDS.....I got a friend from Col then to MR noy in attrition a new guild anmed... VIND and was like, why is he posing videos on FPs site?!

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Wth was that Amitesh? I can't understand it. tongue.gif


Thanks Madi, we appreciate it - as always. smile.gif

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