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I felt bad for this forum so hell, here's a post!


What kinda nifty tricks do you guys carry around in your daily adventures in WoW?


I'm simple... i just use:


- CT Mod & CT Raid

- Scrolling Combat Text

- Decursive

- Titan Panel

- Reputation Mod

- Atlas


I get all my mods apart from CT from curse-gaming.com

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I use:


BuffAhoy! - Great for buffing, healing, and general spell hotkeys. Used to be a necessity back before the Greater Blessings and Whispercast

Move Anything - I use this to move around elements of my ui, like drop the EXP bar, center the map, and make the entire thing nice and symetrical.

Nurfed HUD - I use this in place of the player pane to keep track of HP/MP. Since it also has a target w/ %hp I was thinking of getting rid of the target widow with Move Anything too.


Decursive - Yay for cleansing!

Titan Bar - I put this bar on the bottom of my screen to keep track of money, inventory slots, time, reagents, map coordinates, and a bunch of other stuff.

Lootlink - Lets me have a link to any item in the game.


I know I have a bunch of others, but I tend not to use/notice them. wink.gif

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I use the Insomniax Compilation plus some rogue specific things.  Has pretty much all you need.



What does the party frame look like?



DruidBar is clutch for any druid. Shows your mana in bear and cat forms.


CharactersViewer is leetsauce also, allows you to view your bank and your other chars' inventory and bank. I <3 it.


CTMailMod is ftw.


CooldownCount is handy. Displays a number for your cooldowns so you know exactly when something has cooled down or how long it has if it hasn't.


RangeRecolor makes your buttons when out of range shade red so it's a lot more obvious.


Selfcast casts spells on yourself when you have no friendly target selected.

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My primary UI is Ultimate UI for all the addons i like and then disable the ton I don't need, but they've since changed some of their addons, like Flexbar to Discord Bars (grrr discord is FTL), and I probably won't go back to it.


All the stuff I use, some in UUI some are not


-Flexbar (Discord is FTL)

-CTRA and CTBossMod

-Move Anything


-Clean Minimap

-Scrolling Combat Text



-Perl Unit Frames

-Some addon to change the font

-Titan Bar



-Druid Bar



-Good Inspect

-Reputation Mod




and I'm sure a few more I can't remember

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I gots


Nymbia's Perl UnitFrames : this version has target of target of target, and a bounch of handy plugins.


Titan panel: Honor+ rocks!


MageAutoBuff: cuz i forget to buff in pvp


Decursive: oh yeeeah


Scrolling Combat text: this is very cool


CtRaid Assist: a must have biggrin.gif

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ctraid assist

move anything

allinone inventory

scrolling combat text





mailmod(can't remember the real name)


Rangehelper(awesome awesome awesome awesome hunter mod. Its for the off chance I ever play my hunter)

cooldown counter



bah.. theres alot more cause I download packages and just pick and choose what I need or want.

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- CT Mod & CT Raid

- Scrolling Combat Text

- Decursive

- Titan Panel

- CooldownCount


I cant remeber what I use for unit frames

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Discord Unit Frames


Overpower Alert

Taunt Buddy



Scrolling Combat Text




plus like 4-5 other small addons.

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Wow.... you are all using the wrong UI..... the correct answer is Nurfed


Nurfed UI

Nurfed Hud

Nurfed Unit Frames






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Nurfed is one of the other ones I use. The HUD is nice, but i got sick of it. I need to see the animations of the guys I'm chasing so i know what theyre doing. Not too easy with those bars.

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Reagent Data/Info



Scrolling Combat Text



Equipment Compare

Mob Health

Titan Bar (Titan integrated mods: Emotes, Quests, Roll, Durability.)

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I use:

CT Mod(love the alt self cast thinger...better then the build in WoW one)


CTRA has decursive crap built in

and thas about it

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I use nothing but stardard blizz UI!

Heathen! laugh.gif But honestly Storm I have no idea how you get along with so little

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Nothing Storm?.... NOTHING!?


anyway, i use:


CTMod & CTRaid


Whispercast/BuffAhoy - now that greate blessings are here, i dont really use these much anymore


Scrolling Combat Text

Greater Blessings - i havent quite got this to work, but if it works as i think it will, it will be an awesome help to all the paladins. (will post more on the pally forums when i get it working)

Titan Panel - with symbol of kings addon and plenty of others

Altas - just incase i lose my way in BRD


oh, and if anyone knows where to find that mod which tells you how long of the flight you have left, please tell me!!!

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Im a warriors so: no buffs,

gatherer isnt very helpful when your someone who wanders around aimlessly anyway,

I like blizz's ui,

"G" is set to assist...I also have a macro

Maps are fully explored and its not like im gunna get lost in an instance biggrin.gif

and i rely on others when im dpsing in 40 mans and when im tanking i just hit the sunder button biggrin.gif


just to add to that, i use the blizz ui to its fullest every button full, macro used and 4 diferent types of chat windows: deaths,loot,xp,honor / chat / hits (hidden) / combat

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the only people i can this other stuff useful for is healers.. and possibly tanks.. but me nope.

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ESTEBAN, get Asmo instead of Honor+ its a plugin for titan panel and is much more accurate. It includes turn-ins and Honor+ does not.



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