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Yea, Im having a kid by the end of the month.=) Even if I have to go and grab someone else's kid , Im gettin one this month!!, hehe.

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>.> I was able to get the 3 days off from work. Chris tongue.gif im gonna have to beg you or Amanda to give me a ride as i do not have a car sad.gif

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O_o its the 14th.. I work today, but Im gonna try to get off early and come right over from orlando... for any reason, 407-467-0165 is my number.....I should be there by at least 6..... someone give me a call if for any reason tyou will not be at that exact location. O_o


can't wait to see yall and play :-D


call me, the phone is always on me

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woot! more peeps to drink margaritas! We drank alot of them last night:P It's feeling too early in the morning to get up although me and lady had to get up and break in the hotel room early tongue.gif

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I want to thank all of you bums that didn't show up to the party. It left more boose for ready and myself.


But serriously, wtf w/ bailing in the 11th hour?



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Sorry Ecth, things just didn't come together as I thought they would. I hope you guys had fun and I will try my best to make it to the next one, if there is a next one.

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I had an awesome time w/ the FL FP group! WE ROCK! The margaritas were sooooooo good.....LOL the beach, the pool!!!


We must do something again soon! and maybe w/ more peeps would be nice, but it was the best group of peeps that you could ask for......

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I'd like to thank: Readyakira, Ladyakira, Miroku, Aelora and Amitesh for coming. It was the most fun I've had in months.


As for the rest of you, I'll wait until we get some pics posted to really rub it in. We had a great time.


(sorry man, I was hella tired. Much <3)

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so I found out that I took... 4 to many stacker 2 pills along with the two red bulls and the omfg happy hour beers and the cigars and the ocean water... Sry I had to bail early, like 1:30am.... I ended up making it to the Palm, puking and spending 150$ to much on a room at 2am in the morning. All together, thanks for the fun, it was real nice to meet yall, and everyone else who didn't show up wellllll :-P you missed out on some funny times.



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Yeah you didn't look to good when you left. Glad that your ok though, and I couldn't be happier that you showed up. Your a kick ass sob Ryan, and I'm glad to have met you.



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Oh god, ready, you make one mean margarita! but sooooo good tongue.gif cant wait to see the pics. you get to finally see the infamous Miro on film? uhm.. yeah i'm not chinese

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Ecth, TYVM for hosting such a good time! I had a blast! From the drinks, the sushi, pool, beach, xbox, cigars, movies, and everything else I now remember that R/L can be fun with the right friends!!!! I can't wait to do it again!

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Miroku.... any drink made to fill a 5gal bucket can be real mean.... O_o and the ToKillya in it ouch.. FINALLY though I feel normal after that night.

*note to self* no more ingesting pills w/o reading the directions*

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