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Anyone that was at Luc's Xmastraviganza should remember some talk about doing this again for another season. Well it's that time again!


When: July 12-15, 2006


Where: Cameron Cove Resort

2402 Gulf Blvd. Indian Rocks Beach, FL.

Unit 405


Why should you care?: Seeing as how the last event was so much fun, Luc and I started talking about doing another event. This time it's on my terf, in my condo actually.


You can bring whatever you like (within reason, if I'm going to get arrested it better be damn good 8)) There is a catch however. There is no broadband internet acess. Dialup does work, but well, it's of the devil. So unfortunately no WoW. I do plan on bring my Xbox (regular) and many a volleyball / frisbee / .50cal rifle. (just for you joey)


For me it's a tradition to host a feast on the last day before checkout (which is on the 15th.), so you can expect to eat very very well.



Drop me a line if you plan on attending, and give me a headsup on what you plan on bringing. You know I'll have some cigars on hand.

I hope to see ad many of you there as humanly possible. 8)

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boo the states for asking me for a visa...


i got the funds.. and the time to go but a visa would take me like.. 6-7 months to get.. and I wouldnt be surpriced if it is rejected in the bases of me being colombian sad.gif


so no trips to the us until I am a Canadian citizen sad.gif

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wow Ecthe your really making this whole trip a pain in me arse... now I've gotta go back and talk it over with the boss again to switch me days off again and maybe squeeze in an extra day... sigh...

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wow Ecthe your really making this whole trip a pain in me arse... now I've gotta go back and talk it over with the boss again to switch me days off again and maybe squeeze in an extra day... sigh...
I aim to please 8)

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Oh I'm so in for this. Maybe I can find my water balloon launcher and we can get in some real trouble on the beach muhaha.

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3 days off work may be a bit too much for me, but I may come down on the 13th. I'm still trying to plan a time to go see the Salt Lake peeps, so I won't know if I can come or not for a while, but I'll let you know.

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Please make a donation for the australian peeps' flights to the US!


50 minimum.

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i will be willing to give some money if you guys are really wanting to come out wink.gif


I would love to have you guys here =D

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haha i love that pic.

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Hey ect if you wanna buy me a plane ticket and same with miz ill try to come down ahha I told my mom and she said maybe you can go down for a day...LOL...well for the guys I will act cute for ladies around and bring em back..wink wink

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sure I'll just dip into my super secret horde of a bagillion dollars for you ...




b/c we all know that college students have $ to burn, hell I use a 20 to light my cigars, which are from cuba, .. and wraped in gold, ..... from the golded city of cigartopia. Which is in cuba ....


In all serriousness, if I can find a way I'll make it happen.

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Pick up Klakla while you're at it. CT isn't too far out of the way is it? wink.gif

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hell yeah... i might be in savannah that week, but if not i'm totally finding a way to come down. i'll think of somethin =p

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