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ooooooooooooooor, you could join the 21st century and look at the OP.


I've already posted the adress. but I'll PM you just to make sure.

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Waiting......Remmeber I live down there so just tell me from 19. Map quest is retarded

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This is just another heads up.

If your planning and haven't recieved an Evite. PM me or Luciena with your email adress so we can hook you up.


Theres even going to be a specail guest coming with lots of WoW goodies. Be there or miss out!

For more information refer to page 1 of this thread.

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Yanno what'd be a great WoW goodie? If they fixed paladins! yaaaaaaaaaaay!

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O_o tomorrow I need to make sure that I have off at least the last day.. or two.... but FYI all you Forgotten Prophets I shall be there deffiantly! (as long as I don't do the whole.. oops I forgot again.)


*edit* as a matter of fact all you Floridians/ORLANDOIANS! 407-467-0165 feel free anytime to call or jsut use it as a reminder to get my butt over there dueing those days!.

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*writes it down*


Whats the minimum notice that you'd need on a reminder? 'cause I'm deffinately calling your ass.

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Ok, so here’s the list of people that have responded to the evite / I know your coming. If you plan on coming and aren’t on this list, then post now or forever hold your peace















Special Guest


I’ll keep updating this list until I’ve got everyone, PM me or Luci to get on the listzorz.

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Another thing


If your not on the list, but you are going to be there. If you dont tell us..... then no cool button for you tongue.gif


You will be left out!!!!!!!!! NEENER NEENER NEENER wink.gif

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*growls* My boss is giving me the run-around about me getting the 12-14th of july off (I'm off on weekends). If he doesnt give me those 3 days I'm going to be extremely pissed off. Anyways I'll keep everyone updated.





and yes... I'm at work now as i post this

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I won't be able to make it, but I still want a cool button... Can ya mail em? wink.gif


Seriously, have fun guys.. Wish us Aussies could get a grp flight deal or something.

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also, I have some friends that 2 wave runners that seat 3 on each of them....want them to buzz down while we are down there or no? I know its a FP party but I thought I would ask.

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I was planning on renting jetskis for us for the day. If your friends want to come on over and hang out with their toys then thats cool too. The more the marrier in my eyes.

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I won't be able to make it, but I still want a cool button...  Can ya mail em? wink.gif


Seriously, have fun guys.. Wish us Aussies could get a grp flight deal or something.

I feel bad that you guys live so far away, but honestly I'd trade you right now. Florida is SO RETARTED!!


If you hadn't guessed, I hate my state.

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Really? I liked FL when I lived there, in Tavernier. Maybe you are too far north, try going down to the Keys. Having the reef litterally in your backyard is very nice. Oh, and an ocean worthy sail boat is a MUST... smile.gif

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lol, in my eyes the keys aren't part of FL. They're just way too cool.


I <3 the keys, But I dislike the mainland. I guess that Tampa has that effect on people. :?

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So, I think i'm gonna get a hotel room with a jacuzzi. Heres probably whats gonna happen.



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Im sorry to say, but me and Fior wont be able to make it. The little one is due to pop out sometime this month, and is showing signs of wanting out early. Have a blast everyone, and take lots of pictures.




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BLEH......... I just found out I am going to be in Tampa the 19th to the 24th for a wedding... JUST MISSED IT!!!!!. If anyone is going to still be in the area those dates we can probably head out to a bar or something. Reply to this post if your up to it and i'll send you my Cell # via PM.

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Me and Gar can not make the party. We have had some car probs this week, and we need to save money to get it fixed. Sorry guys.

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