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ub3r l337



Age: 23

Joined: 01 Jan 2005

Posts: 666

Location: Tampa, FL



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...wow ecth, i didnt think that was possible you being a pally and all. hmmm has the light faded from you my friend?

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The light didn't fade, it's just stated a cleansing fire, ONE THAT WILL CLAIM YOUR SOULS!!!!!



Wow, <looks around> what was that?

D'oh, broke the magic!


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I'll see if i can make it. I have a friend who's getting married down in FL the week after this and i dunno if i have it in me to drive to and from FL 2 weekends in a row. But ill see what i can do.


Omg I'll be back up in ATL by then... Hykos, give me a ride!


Dont ask strangers for rides HV. Thats how horror movies and/or porno's start :shock:

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Dont ask strangers for rides HV. Thats how horror movies and/or porno's start   :shock:

Seems to me like a 50/50 shot for greatness.


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Dont ask strangers for rides HV. Thats how horror movies and/or porno's start   :shock:

Seems to me like a 50/50 shot for greatness.



So when one door closes, another one opens? :twisted:

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Wonder if it'll be cheaper to drive there, or fly? Hmmm... what are gas prices like in Florida? I'll need to run some calculations. :twisted:

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To answer your question Siege, I have a buddy who lives in Coral Springs, Florida and he says gas is around $3 a gallon. So, depending on how cheap you can get a ticket for I'd probably try to fly there and back. I'm not sure if I can make it since I am just now starting my new job, but I will be working at Airtran and get to fly anywhere for free. I might be able to fly down for a day and hang out with everybody. I'll have to wait till it is a little closer to time to see.

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FP? Party? Florida? Druken Garnok? Where is the down side? Heh I'd love to come down, I could probably make the needed arrangements with work. Shiki, Hykos, car-pool? OMG lets talk Garetsu into bringing the Suburban, we could pick up HV, and make a road trip out of it =D

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FP?  Party?  Florida?  Druken Garnok?  Where is the down side?  Heh I'd love to come down, I could probably make the needed arrangements with work.  Shiki, Hykos, car-pool?  OMG lets talk Garetsu into bringing the Suburban, we could pick up HV, and make a road trip out of it =D


don't bring gar, he'll cry! you know he cant handle those types of things. and uhhhh, pick me up on the way =p

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You're right, I can't handle not logging into the game at least once a day, I'll go through withdrawls.

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Pick up Klakla while you're at it. CT isn't too far out of the way is it?  ;)



Ill take one too. Thank you.




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free-loaders! klakla can drive herself now, she's independent




thanks abc

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free-loaders! klakla can drive herself now, she's independant




and yeah haha i'll just drive around the country roundin' up fp members! ill get a hippie van, itll be great.

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i'll just drive around the country roundin' up fp members! ill get a hippie van, itll be great.
That sounds like a capital idea!

Did someone say road trip?


oh, and gas in the Tampa bay area is around $2.20 a gallon. Kinda depends on where you are. Last time I was driving through northern Florida, it could go from $2.50 - $3.00.


Me, I'd fly if for no other reason it takes forever to get into FL. I remember driving to North Carolina and I crossed the FL state line in the same ammount of time it took me to cross Georga and S. Carolina combined.

I'd recomend flying into Tampa international, it's the biggest terminal in the area.

Infact, if enough of you do this, then I can arrange to just pick all of you up and drive you from the airport to the condo. smile.gif

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I'd love to try and come to this one hopefully it ain't too far away tongue.gif but.. but... isn't it scary outside?

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Check it out wink.gif



The gasoline costs amount to approx $153.24 one way, roundtrip flight JFK>Tampa International, $184. If I go I think I'll be flying, then again 660 miles on I-95 sounds exciting! tongue.gif

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oh....my.....god.....=***( i hate long drives. maybe i'll just pay for a plane ticket for dan and myself, heh.

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i'll just drive around the country roundin' up fp members! ill get a hippie van, itll be great.
That sounds like a capital idea!

Did someone say road trip?


oh, and gas in the Tampa bay area is around $2.20 a gallon. Kinda depends on where you are. Last time I was driving through northern Florida, it could go from $2.50 - $3.00.


Me, I'd fly if for no other reason it takes forever to get into FL. I remember driving to North Carolina and I crossed the FL state line in the same ammount of time it took me to cross Georga and S. Carolina combined.

I'd recomend flying into Tampa international, it's the biggest terminal in the area.

Infact, if enough of you do this, then I can arrange to just pick all of you up and drive you from the airport to the condo. smile.gif


If this does happen I guess I can help with the pick up.. I should have anough room.

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Great idea, Ben! 250 bucks (or whatever it'd be from MD to VA to FL) on Gas alone sounds ftl D;

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