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Yes, this is what youre thinking it is. I'm done. Not to say it hasn't been a blast, but its time to call it quits. Account officially expires march 9. Ive been with this guild since day one, but I think I've done all I can to make FP what it is today. The game has lost basically all my interest. The people I used to play with dont really play anymore, and even if they did, im not sure if i would still be playing. But hey, <3 each and every one of you. Just let me know if Miz ever hits 60. Thanks for everything.



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See you later Prime! I'm glad I got to know you and meet you IRL. Go Huskies!

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haha, no, all the gold i have is going towards paying off the debt i owe miro.

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Teah!!!! it was nice to know you in game bud, you really seemed like a stand up guy. Hope all goes well for you IRL and you keep tabs at least on the forums.


/salute teah




after a good break from the game, it makes it so much better.

Coming back and playing a completely differnet toon makes the game last forever.


be cool

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im still gonna bother you on aim

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Gonna miss ya prime :cry: Hopefully I can get online before you go and say goodbye in game.

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Bye Teahn :-(


You'll be back. They always come back. You can't get off warcrack. You can't do it. I promise.

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