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I just wanted to say, I am very pleased at how well we did in BWL tonight.


We downed Razorgore, Vael and Broodlord in one night. This has never happened before. Not only did we down them all, but we did so in a very short amount of time.



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That's because we own. Now that I'm back to Sword 'n' Board like I used to be in the days before FP, can I be a MT? =)

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yep we did awesome!

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Stang, I hate you. It's taken me 30mins to sign up, since I'm working off to satillite, just to say a friken hello. But it's worth it. And its awesom to see how well you guys are doings. I hate you for never joining us.


Very nice work FP. Not sure if I know any people these day from FP, since SC seems to have changed a ton, but I know Enigami is never gonna leave your side Stang, so hi there Eni.


I was checking your server forums lately, and damn have things changed in SC, only recognized Immo, FP, WBC and Vind. We almost have as many original SC guilds here on Smolderthorn as you do on SC tongue.gif


Take care all, and best of luck with Nef and his brood of bad ass mofos.

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Very nice work FP.  Not sure if I know any people these day from FP, since SC seems to have changed a ton, but I know Enigami is never gonna leave your side Stang, so hi there Eni..


zomg! Hi Urdune!!






You guys need to stop by and say hi more often! Those of us who know you miss you!

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Hey buddy! It's good to see ya!


Grats on your nef kill man. You deserve it!


Have the gates opened on your server yet? if so, how you guys doing? We havent really tried the 40 man but the 20 man rocks.

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Our second raid group has dropped the first boss. They are farming MC and have decided that they will tackel AQ before they bother with BWL.


Our first raid group is going to farm BWL for another month or so and savior their Nef kill before plunging into AQ. We want to drop BWL to 1 night, and it seems they almost did it on Wednesday when they did everything but Nef in 3 1/2 hours, but a server crash made the it all take 4hrs raid time slot. And ideally I think they want to turn MC into a 2 - 2 1/2hr run. And when that is the case then they go head long into AQ.


Reason being they only raid 13hrs a week, and when tackeling new content you want as much time as possible and going in there consistantly every week. And we are haveing the issue of what to do with MC if we go in now. Not sure if G's plan is to dedicate our 5hr Sunday run and try and do both BWL and MC when we have the times down low, and do AQ on our Wed and Thur 4hr runs.


But I have not had to deal with any of that. I got a new job in Venezuela, and the last two months have been me trying to sort everything out. I'll be back into game in a week or two. And sadly in those 2 months I missed the first kills of everything from Veal onwards. Funny how BWL was much faster to complete then MC ever was.


Remeber our first run where we couldn't even make it up to Lucy. We stopped at the imps, after wipeing too many times to count. Now if we pull the imps by mistake its only a couple of deaths, lol. And we were chain pulling the surgers at 20%, with our only pause being at the bosses just for positioning. Sad how its become a grind. I'm sure FPs went through all that, and are now just milking MC for every epic.


Question: How many Eyes and peices of the Windseeker have you guys gotten?

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Honestly I just think that the GM's remove them from the bosses because they know how overpowered FP will be with those legendary items. :shock:

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Legendary items AFK out when we join MC.

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those sons of jackals!!

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Damn Stang, see if you joined RHC you would have gotten yourself a hand of rag :twisted: We are giving them to fury warriors hopeing that with the level upgrade and the prestige classes they can wield both Hands of Rag biggrin.gif


Dire got it on our first Rag kill, which was funny as hell. And I got it on our 6th Rag kill (no hammer yet, its a curse, due to the fact that we dont have the ingots). I don't know if it has changed but for a time we had seen more eyes then predition blades. Now we are hopeing it never drops again, cause the poor soul that gets it will be waiting till sometime next year to get the hammer. As for the bindings, we have had the same peice drop twice, and never seen the other piece. Up side is that both the guys are main tanks of seperate raid groups, but trust me its a curse as well, poor guy has to go in there, when he needs nothing from there, again and again, just hoping it drops.


And the sad truth is they are not that great.

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