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No more Cold Blood,

No more Preperation,

No more Camoflage,

No more Imp Sap,

No more Imp Ambush,

No more Ghostly Strike.


man I will miss them.... so. I just respeced today from 23-5-23 to 15-31-5 ......... Are there any other Combat Rogues? PLEASE, heehee please give me some words of encouragment. I mean... man its just a bit scary to know now that if I get into a scary situation, I can't just prep+vanish out/ Alrighty.. Just askin to hear how you like your build.. thanks guys and dolls




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Our highest DPS rogues are combat specced.

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I was Assassination/Subtlety specced until last week. Now I am 7-31-13. It takes some getting used to with the no Prep and no Cold Blood but my DPS is way higher. I am usually not on the chart (top 15) but I was 4th last night in MC. Not bad considering I was in /tells for about 30 minutes after getting my last NS piece. Not sure I am keeping it this way. The build I looking at is 5-25-21 to get Prep back.

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I was combat from till i hit about 50. Then i went with the cookie cutter 21-8-22. And then now im 30-8-14. Out of all the builds combat was best for leveling and solo fighting. Also i dunno if your combat dagger or combat sword or combat mace, but im guessing for end game DPS you'd want sword. There are a lot of high DPS swords out there that are much easier to get than the high DPS daggers.

Also if you get a chance check the rogue forums on the warcraft website there is a realy good write up on all the different builds and their strong points and weakpoints in PVP and PVE

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yea, thanks guy all good info......

I too used combat to lvl with it was awesome but then changed to cookie cutter... now I would love to change back to High DPS since Swprds/maces are so much easier to obtain then high damage daggers. and I read on the wow forums that this cookie cuter build wasn't all that special because I get one high burst outta it then not to much left. :-/ I don't know... heehee one more question.......



Lets say I have a...[item]bonesnapper[/item]


Lets say I have a [item]gift of the elven magi[/item]


now. one has a higher damage output, but lower DPS and the other has a lower Damage output but higher damage....

Is it better for me to use the [item]bonesnapper[/item] since I am combat and use SS alot? hmm

hmm hmm hmm this always realy confused me...

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Shad has a REALLY weird build but 36 points in combat. Its AWESOME for pve.. and I've made it work for PVP too. Just get used to adrenaline rush and slamming on SS till you get 5 points smile.gif


The damage is much more consistent with combat thatn assass.

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Btw... I friggin love your weapond shad.... heehee two healing weapons with lifesteal... ever since that time we talked and you said that the lifesteal DOES work... well.... on my new build I threw in some IMP slice and dice to be able t oattack faster and longer and along wit hthe +to hit and everyhting heehee I really wanna get that combo. two [item]Skullforge Reaver[/item] with [item]Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing[/item]

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Btw... I friggin love your weapond shad.... heehee two healing weapons with lifesteal... ever since that time we talked and you said that the lifesteal DOES work... well.... on my new build I threw in some IMP slice and dice to be able t oattack faster and longer and along wit hthe +to hit and everyhting heehee I really wanna get that combo. two [item]Skullforge Reaver[/item] with [item]Formula: Enchant Weapon - Lifestealing[/item]


It's the win I won't lie biggrin.gif Ultimately though for pvp/pve sake I wanna get Viskag/Brutality blade (Until we start farming Chromatically Tempeterd Sword) And do either 2x +15agil or Crusader/+15 havent decided yet.


But right now that combo lets me farm as much of Uldaman as one person can eithout healing (using [item]Darkmoon Card: Heroism[/item])

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yea... Vis'Keg is one Hawt motha ofa blade....


Columbus Ohio, heehee I lived in Short North for a stent (not gay, just cheap ass housing and prime location for campus)


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