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O.k. this is the official intro. I plan on making this the last update until release but I want officers to look and make any changes now because this phots were a pain in the bizzutt.


FP the Movie


That is just the intro. I am going to have to PvP alot because from there you see the victories I have going and that part is long so I think I am gonna need like 30 victories or more to put one per beat till the main body.


My plan is to show that we dominate PvP and PvE asspects of the game and I am starting with the PvP.


The flashing sequence will be done for the PvE side as well so I might be doing some scholo, UBRS and what not because I need to show about 30 dead Bosses to I think LOL. Needless to say this movie is going to take a little time to complete so please have patience.


Before you say it 9'er I know you want me to make your picture with archanist shoulders. I noticed that too late and will go back to edit it.


PS I love the skull I put in Ready's hand don't ask me why *shrugs*


So if your unhappy with your personal picture let me know what you want changed or if I messed up on your face etc.

*tips cap*

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MAN! I look like I do something around here. Well, something other than sit around in tells non stop. Nice creative license Bentley! Not sure where this video is going but I like the way it starts.

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thank you. Beorn is going to help me and screenshot FP's final victories to help me out since I haven't had enough time to BG as much as I would like lately. If anyone else feels like screen shotting the final stats like I have in the movie I would appreciate it.


*tips cap*

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I didn't get it I swear... but I will make your shoulders archanist

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Could you shift the camera angle up, or down in my shot? The way it is right now, I look like a dirty, dirty, dwarf! tongue.gif I'll PM you a pic if I get the chance wink.gif

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