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I'd say it all myself on the SC forums, but I can't log into the forums, I haven't been able to for months! /cry




So Me, Cottoneyejoe, and Sasori are bored one night and decide to venture to Sunrock for some lowbie gankage!


We arrive to notice that others are already there! zomg( which is sort of why I wonder why they titled it with forgotten prophets, as the majority)!!


We stayed with these others and ganked lowbies over, and over, and over, for about 2 hours. then, the 1337 squad showed up! Oh noes!!!!!!!!!!!!!


About 5-6 60's showed up with a band of nubs to aid them, we were pushed out of our Horde town domain, and chased around the reigon for another hour or so.


In an act of revenge, we took it upon ourselves to regroup ( just the three of us, as the others had left) and set out on a search for individual horde.


Now, After hours of constant ganking, who would really want to find a single horde member, just to one shot them as if they never existed? we certainly wouldn't, but use could be put to the matter, add a dash of entertainment, and you've got 2 night elves and a human, continiously freeze trapping 30- horde, just to contantly flood them with emotes like, /love,/kiss,/hug,/moan,/ etc!


Its always amusing when you can basically see the rage eminating from the member of the other faction, as he knows you've made it your priority to gank him countless amounts of times, realizing that you, and your two friends, guarentee him a death as soon as he finds his way back to his body, each, and every time.


BUT- its a whole other league of entertainment, when instead of killing them on sight, you hold them helplessly in giant blocks of ice, virtually make love to their being, taunt them enough to out spam a barrens chat, sigh, and aimedshot them as they finally gain the few seconds of freedom that allows them to jog a few meters or so, and do it again when they rez, letting them know that not only will it be happening multiple times, but with your loads of emotes, as you smile at their corpse, letting them know that there is not a thing in the world they can do about it, as they're 36 levels below you.


I truely apologize to any of you that I might have caused to be ganked in a near future. but if you were there, if you could've been witness to this fun, you too, would feel as I do now, full of laughter, or, rather, as i did then.


If anyone could post this on the forums, it would be more then appreciated, as I should at least explain the cause of all this.

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Us.. ganked in the near future???? surely you jest...


I was going to farm for a dagger I wanted and came across stormgaurd keep or something like that.... I see 4 40'ish horde recovering from what I assume to be them fighting the elites.... Hmmmm look a gnome... named.... CARI!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hmmmm look in guild yup Cari is on O.o I go to rez Cari and figure if they let me rez Cari all will be good... nope not really the let loose all hell on me... oops look at that... It's Cari he's back and so is a warlock.... 2 level 60's and a 40 = 4 dead level 40 horde. Not much to brag about I know.... so we do our thing....


Look a 60 druid and 4 level 40 horde.... hmmmm well what can we do... we kill them all.



We get Teeda his quest done and are leaving.... WOW Look 2 Level 60 horde and 6 level 40's. *shrugs* well I accidently let Cari and Teeda die but I stayed up luring them away and sure enough Cari and Teeda come back *shurgs* So we killed them all and continued to camp them for about another 10 minutes. 8 Horde vs 3 FP. No contest. I hope they bring a small army if they plan on camping me... I am THE escape artist.

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A few days ago I was really bored and decided to head to the barrens for some dangerous hanging out (instead of standing around in IF and SW). I went to the crossroads and sat there watching the horde go around with their bussiness. Every once in a while some lowbies (lvl 10-30) would decide that taking me down would be wroth their time. So I made sure that they died slowly as they watched their attacks do nothing but bring my green bar to 50%. Some times a lvl 60 would show up and assist them, only to realize that I did not have the intention of fighting... thus sitting with me while sharing emotes and dancing and fun stuff.


Hanging out with the horde is funny tongue.gif.


Anyways... about that "we will gank you" threat. I laughed at it... it is not like lilsmite doesnt get ganked every time he goes runing around for a quest. It is a pvp server... If they corps camp me I just go to Lashir or Esteban and either quest or go to where lilsmite died and gank em with Esteban.


ahhahah that thread is just too funny

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good times. its fun killing others gaming experience and having them cry on the WoW forums.

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This is no joke: I dont mind getting ganked.

See somtimes I try and get my self ganked intentionally.


If you get ganked then you either wait patiantly till they get bored then stalk them or have some fun and try and kill them with rez health biggrin.gif.



I havnt heard that song in a long time lol.


edit: It's even more fun when you gank people after they gank you or

fear/aggro mobs before you die and they die to the mobs.

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