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Guys, for now I'm out of commission for WoW my computer has died, and I don't know for sure when I will be able to get a new one. As many of you know I collect the pets in the game. This Valentine's day they added yet another new pet, but I am not going to have a computer to get online and get it and the event ends tomorrow 2/15/06. Could one of you pleeaase mail me a Truesilver Shafted Arrow. I will mail you 10g or so for it, if you want (or more if they are selling for more). Thanks in advance if you can.

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Sorry Miro, they are soulbound but they only last 10 days- not a permanent pet. Also you can't shoot your self, only other players.

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maybe give someone your account info and they can acquire it on their computer?

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The box that it comes in is not BoP http://www.thottbot.com/?i=53029 is the URL... so you can still mail them that way as long as you don't take it out of its box. If you could do this for me I'd really appreciate it. Please try as hard as you can, I will pay you for your efforts. Thanks again guys.

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Sorry Miro, they are soulbound but they only last 10 days- not a permanent pet.  Also you can't shoot your self, only other players.


so would it make sense to ask: "if someone got it would they please shoot me so i get the pet?"


or did i totally misunderstand your post? haha

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I just mailed something to you Miro. I'm not sure if it's the right one or not. It's the same as item as from Thott, but I don't know if it has charges or not.

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The Truesilver shafted arow is different from the normal silver shafted arrows that come in the packages. The Truesilver shafted arrow is indeed a permanent pet and comes as a single arrow instead of a grp of arrows; however, it is a rare drop and can only be chanced for every hour since you must get it when not buffed from the event. I will try Miro, but I have as of yet to see it drop so I don't know that I will be able to do it in time. Good luck on someone getting it for you man.



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I use mine to take off the ugly goblin that people put on me with those silver arrows.

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W00t! Gynis FTW! Glad you got it Miro, I've been having some real crapy luck with these valentine's drops. Lol, maybe the game DOES imitate life. tongue.gif


VERY happy for you Miroku!

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Like I said, I hope it's what you're looking for. I didn't pick it up cause I've heard it's rare and that's the only one I've seen. Does it have charges too?

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no, its a pet, just like others no charges at least as far as i know. I don't know much about its rarity, but when i get back into the game, I'll pay ya for your time to get it. thanks again, gyn-kitty. I hopefully will be back soon

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3min / the ammount of time Miroku has spent farming * the ammount of things he has accomplished = a number chuck norris can not count to.

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