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Druids, Pallies and Silly Shammies rejoice!

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About freagn time. I have this bad feeling that they'll all be blue items and shoddy quest rewards though. Call me a pessimist, but I don't think they'll be adding new purples for us on the MC loot table…. unless it says Shaman Only

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w00t secondary healing classes FTW!!


it was a dark day for us all when they nerfed egans blaster, but hey, at least now we get some awesome stuff in teh uber relic slot =)

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My UTB (which has chosen the name Sloth) says you owe us a duel for that one tongue.gif haha

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/cry :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry:


Below I've listed the description of three different relics (one for each applicable class). Idols are the Druid relics, Totems are for Shamans, and Librams are for Paladins. These relic items will be live in patch 1.10.  




Idol of Rejuvination  


Requires level 57  

Equip: Increases the healing per 3 seconds on your Rejuvenation by up to 10  




Totem of Rebirth  


Requires level 57  

Equip: Reduces the cooldown of your Reincarnation ability by 10 minutes.  




Libram of Hope  


Requires level 57  

Equip: Reduces the mana cost of your Seal spells by 20

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Yea.. i read that too... shammy one looks the best but they all look crap imo. I'd prefer stats over bonuses.


According to Thistlewind.. these are just examples so there should be better ones when 1.10 comes out.

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Woot! Reduce casting time for Priest and Paladins..allllright. Oh. Make it so Shamans can get up more after the hour-and-a-half it takes me to kill them. Thanks Blizzard!

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Its still better than we had before. I dont mind the extra bonus, atleast we are getting something.


I would have loved something nicer, but I didnt expect it to be anything wonderful.

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well, atlest it's only gonna cost me 35mana to bring up SoC after I bomb some poor bastage.


But that Shammy totem is weak. So now after tallents and that, it's 30min self rez? .....

I freaking hate that class designer.

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well, atlest it's only gonna cost me 35mana to bring up SoC after I bomb some poor bastage.


But that Shammy totem is weak. So now after tallents and that, it's 30min self rez? .....

I freaking hate that class designer.


yea, but soon you will love fighting them......


you know what im talking about.

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I think its funny how people were like "OMG Give us ANYTHING!!!11" and now they're like "OMG FUBAR!!!"

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Yea, I know whatyou mean SHoop, though isnt that usual. I remember before pally talents were changed we wanted just about anything, than as soon as we saw it half the pally community bitched about it.

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Well it's good to speak your opinion in case you are heard (albeit it shouldn't be in a bitchy way, or no one important will pay attention). I suppose in the end everyone is happy with something over nothing ... it's just funny heh

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