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The more you know, the less chance we have of spending 10 hours getting to Lucifron to wipe.


It's addressed below as well but you need to go here http://conquest.teamgbu.com/strats/moltencore/Map.php



1) Attunement: Do not wait till the day of to get attuned. This should be done in advance. Let's set up attunement runs for those who need it. It's not a tough run.


2) Decursive: Awesome mod that tracks those who need you to use your cleansing abilities and uses it instantly. Great for paladins, priests, mages, and druids.


Edit: The new versions of decursive are awesome and many of the old problems are gone, and new features are around. It is required for all priests, pallys, mages, and druids. Check the link on our Downloads section. --Shoop


3) Repair: BEFORE we leave. Repair. Repair. Repair. I personally do my repairs immedietly after every run. The building on the left side of the magic center (if you were facing it) in IF (where you are portal'd to after raids.) This way I never have to worry about getting cautght with my pants down in regards to repairs when a group is finally set to begin. I'm not sure if anyone from our guild has ever done this in a group I've been in, but it has happened in MC runs before, and it's incredibly aggrivating to everyone.

4) Again Tactics: http://conquest.teamgbu.com/strats/moltencore/Map.php

Know your enemy. This will tell quite a bit about MC. General strategies. Strategies for each trash mob, and a few comprehensive boss strategies. CRUCIAL READ if you're headed to MC.

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Some Etiquette:


1) Chat: Raid chat is to be kept to a minimum. That's not to say you shouldn't have fun, but don't overdo it. When we're there, I or whoever else will probably order all chat to stop, but this is because we know no one will listen, so its the easiest way to say "tone it down". Try to keep most chat to your party or your class channel. If you have something important to say, or a suggestion to make, whisper a leader, or tell your class leader using your class channel.


Leaders should make suggestions and give their intentions on raid instructions in leader chat prior to telling everyone in raid chat so that anyone with differing opinions or better ideas may voice his/her opinion prior to confusing the entire raid.


2) Pace: If you are pulling, you should give 10 seconds of warning. Most pulls regular mob pulls in which at most one or two people die, the next pull should be 10 seconds of rest after the previous mob went down. In other words, as soon as the mob goes down, give the warning. For those of you who use mana, this means start drinking immediately after the mob goes down. There are respawn timers on all mobs, and the group needs to beat them in order to reach the boss in a reasonable amount of time and efficiency.


3) AFK: You should only go afk in MC when there is a break in the play. For example, we just wiped and you aren't needed until everyone is up and ready. However, no matter when you go afk, you must tell the raid group when you leave and when you are back. Emergencies and crashes are, of course, excepted.


4) Listen: Always pay attention to raid chat, as that is where most general instructions will be given. Specific instructions for you or your class will be given in your class chat channel, so pay attention and listen to what your class leader tells you to do. Change the color of class chat if you have to. Its a pain in the butt for someone to have to give you instructions through tells.


5) Distractions: It is recommended that you leave all general chat channels and you keep your tells with people outside the raid and your guild chat to a minimum. Pay attention to raid and class chat over guild chat.


6) Timeliness: If the raid is forming up at a certain time, you should make your absolute best effort to be in Loch Modan ready to go at that time. As soon as the raid has 40 people in this situation, it can leave. This means do not be caught in some other raid or party unless you told them before hand that you will be leaving for MC. When the time comes to leave for MC, leave whatever you are doing as soon as possible and head to Thelsamaar repaired and heavily stocked on reagents.

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We should search for MC boss fight videos

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I'd also like to note an addon that I've been spamming about since I found it.


BuffAhoy! - This addon is absolutley vital for paladins, it allows you to map a button for a sequence of buffs, which you can manually change in the addon menu. You can either que party members with specific buffs, OR in a raid setting, you can set buffs for each class in the raid. This reduces the "point and click" system of buffing, to something as easy as spamming cleanse! It also provides hotkeys to cast various healing/cleansing spells, and spell sequences, with customisable verbosity. Get it HERE.

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  • 3 months later...

not to be nieve of anything, but is there anything crucial that a warrior should have.


Outta curiosity. I've gone twice with nothing but my normal UI, so i was just wondering.

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  • 3 weeks later...

eh, ive been plenty of times without any kind of raid assist, i know i should have it, but there is really only 1 person's health i need to worry about, gryphs. When he goes down, ive got to be in there asap, and you can just pull the whole warrior group off the raid panel anyways.

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Raidassit does more than just health. You need it to see my DPS messages flash in the middle of the screen, it also tells you when you are the bomb when fighting Baron, it tells you when Mag is about to fear, it says when Luci is about to curse, it says when Onyxia is about to Deep Breath, if says when the Bat boss in ZG is about to heal.


We strongly encourge everyone to be running RaidAssist.

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some middle ground on not having ctraid assist would for you to be on vent. usually these things are called out there as well by a raid leader. so one, the other or both, but please folks have something so that you can get the information you need to survive.

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I was in MC once or twice, Without it, They patched to 1.7 and i decided to Try it out, First MC raid things were alot smoother.


I got feared by Mag once in his fight, and if your tanking you can be assigned your target without having to assist whoever is assigning(Core Hound Packs)


Those were the big things I noticed, and once i realized that the incomming heal messages were refering to the bat boss, that became alot easier then looking at her hands.

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ummm i realise that shoop said we should meet up in loch modan for an MC raid.. is this not applicable anymore since we can just fly to the searing gorge? or do we still meet up at loch modan and ride as a team to MC? haha that would be awesome though!

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You got it Raven, we just meet at Thorium Point or we just go free for all on getting into MC.

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