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Not sure if i should have posted this in the druid board or here, but I thought others might enjoy checking it out.





This vid is like watching myself play. He has slightly more AP and about 2% more crit then me, but it is so close to my character it's nice to show others what us feral druids can do. Not a whole ton of flashy numbers but it defenitly gets the job done. And some nice music to boot.


Made by Derek of Illidan.





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What is that mod that shows the time left on bash and moonfire and whatnot?

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Funny you should ask, cause I just downloaded a similar mod.... Get out of my head Shoop


List of his mods in the video:




Universal stun and debuff monitor


Cooldown Count


Trinket Menu


Link to his post on the WoW forums:





The mod I downloaded is called CCwatch cause I couldn't find the Universal stun and debuff monitor. You can find CC watch here:



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Oh man this is great, I was wondering about the mods too. I hope I can be as a cool a feral druid as this dude someday.

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