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We will keep complaining untill they get rid of raiders. How does 'multiplayer' equate to 'raid-zerg-fest'? The first multiplayer games that I played were two person co-op and vs. I played very extensivly on muds (which were the true first 'mmo') which did not have 'raids' (and did have pvp, pve, grouping, guilds, auction houses, etc). EQ-style raiding is not the only way to have a multiplayer game. Your hubris that your way is the only way sickens and irritates me. I honestly wish that they would completly ban raiding, not because I dislike raiding in concept, but so that you and those with attitudes like yours would go back to EQ. We do not want it. And by we, I mean the majority of players. Go back to EQ where you can be with your own kind.



that came from the WoW forums, i especially like how he thinks MC/Ony/BWL are zerg fests.


ive only been a raider as long as i have been in FP, and before then i didnt even do much 10 mans, so i can safely say....



he is a moron.

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I think the concept of looking at multiplayer from a different perspective is a good one, but yeah, this guy made his downfall.

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If he was in an uber guild like FP, he'd change his tune mighty quick.


Course, I doubt he'd get in :wink:

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i feel for non-raiders but 2 hours in UBRS does not equal 2 hours in MC and should not give equal rewards.


on the other hand, if you could get high class items for doing super long (and fun) quests, that would be great.


The "you are ralk'ith, demon" questline is a great example of one that is of good enough length and difficulty to give a great item.


p.s. thanks krotas, skee, willas, and loufas. 8)

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yup raiding gives you a reason to try and get good armor and work in a guild. If it was just pvp then doing 3 bgs over and over till you are exalted would get really boring really quickly smile.gif

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