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Arafelz strikes the killing blow then dies himself!


Only FP can kill a boss and wipe at the same time! Grats! Screenshots coming soon!

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Too bad we don't have a video of that with that song "I need a hero!" from Short Circuit 2 playing!

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Yeah, work FTL. I was signed up, then backed out because of work, THEN I got out of work early. Anyways grats! It's all downhill from here.

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Woot, 2nd to last in dying =P Great job everyone, FPFTMFW.


(Yes I say it loudly, and proudly hykos) 8)

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That is AWESOME! I still had vent on after I logged out and while I was getting ready to go out. It was really low and I couldnt hear but right before I walked out the door, for some reason, I thought What the hell...

I turn the volume up just in time for "Beorn is down...." *murmur..murmur..murmur* "*something about Felz*" .....




SCREAMING! I got cold chills listening to you guys.


GREAT JOB to everyone that was there.



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Work is very much FTL. I think out of any boss anywhere in the game.. he's by far the hardest for me to kill sad.gif .... mainly cause he was a good dragon and getting to scare the crap out of everyone with him in UBRS is priceless. For me that's all hte more reason to make nefarian pay (by giving me the NS chestpiece and chopping off his head hehehe)!!!!!!!! GRATS GUYS! WOOOOOOOT FPFTMFW! Look foward to doin it with you all on tuesday and killin broodlord lashlayer!

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Grats on the clean execution on razor!


Totally awesome feat on vael!


Props on getting to broodlord and getting him to 64% on our first try! He will go down next time fo sho!

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