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Ice chewers... ehr? what...

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whoa.. i used to chew ice as a child, but that was mainly because of the hot indian food that was being put in front of me everyday.. my tongue is weak enough to qualify me as the disgrace of the family when it comes to spicy food..



but yeah, thats fucked up! probably some anti-icechewing propaganda.. people these days..

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I used to just swallow ice cubes. Until one day I choked for a little bit and had the worst brain freeze of my life.

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I find ice chewing fun at times... but as evil as an adiction?




funny story!


in my granduncle's 50th aniversary with the church (yeah he is a priest), we were having a mean with the archvishop and all them "high" rank priest and they were talking and stuff. So granduncle stood up and started a speech. Without realizing i had put a few ice cubes in my mouth and as soon as he started I chewed on them. I chewed for a moment and then realized that other people could hear the ice cubes snapping... and every one was staring at me.



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