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OMFG finally back after not being on all weekend. But my new computer is finally up and running despite multiple attempts by my old hard drive to make life hard smile.gif


Sooooooooo stat time biggrin.gif


Pentium 4 3.2 GHz

Intel 945 chipset systemboard

1 GB Ram

Raedeon x700 PCI express

Soundblaster Audigy


*in love*


I used to freeze for 20 seconds when I would rush BS in the beginning of AB.. but not anymore.... biggrin.gif lag is so gone :DDDD

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just you wait till i get my supercomputer in university, i'll have the power to make other players lag!! muahahaha


i actually might be ordering an alienware from the US, that should be awesome... otherwise i'll just build a CPU here in Malaysia and carry it over to aus as my hand luggage, buy the monitor etc over there

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Nice comp dude smile.gif


Except for your video card (You could buy better easily, just like a x800GTO and overclock it to a x850XT, or buy a 6600GT) your comp seems to not lag anymore in WoW smile.gif Im happy for you lool


now I must find where u live :twisted:

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now put the video settings on high and get blown off your chair when you realise all the effects and stuff you never noticed before... assuming you had everything on low for max performance as i used to hv.

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Don't get alienware. It is a huge waste and the number one returned computer. It looks cool but the components are just overpriced and you end up paying for a REALLY COOL looking half assed thrown together computer.

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zomg /drool. i want more ram for my laptop 2gigs here i come! 1.25 gigs now

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yeah Bentley, the alienware comment was a spur of the moment thing haha (yes, talking about awesome comps totally turns me on!!)


i once thought about buying an alienware laptop, but when comparing the prices in US dollars into Malaysian Ringgit, its gonna be one hell of a hole in the wallet..


over here, i could probably buy parts and build a comp with similar specs as an alienware worth USD3000 for like USD1400.. its just the damn brand name!! (FTL!)

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zomg /drool. i want more ram for my laptop 2gigs here i come! 1.25 gigs now


yay for more RAM biggrin.gif 512MB was NOT cutting it lol

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hey frost i have the same card! =P


its cheap and works awesome, gj shad.  



yay biggrin.gif


Here was my old rig:


Pentium 1.4 GHz


256MB Raedeon 9550

SB Audigy LS






And yeah I have cranked the GFX in game and still no lag, and yes I'm crying as to what I was missing out on before lol

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I want your old comp smile.gif (Shadrende)


Stang : I personally own a Radeon 7500, when I was talking about the x800GTO turned into a x850XT or about a 6600GT video card, it was because I heard guys on some performance forums talking bout this.



Here's my scrap I have right now :


Pentium3 550eMHz

192Mb Ram (I have 256 temporary Mb Ram that will go on my other comp as soon as it is fixed, which means I have right now 448Mb Ram)

64Mb Radeon7500

Aztech gay sound-modem card


Could you believe I can run America's Army on this comp? Requirements for America's ARmy game = 1.5GHz with 384Mb Ram for Windows XP and 64MB Video Card (ATI7500 supported) o_O Im sure I could run WoW at lowest graphic on my comp smile.gif


And here's what should like my other comp when it'll be fixed :


Pentium 4 socket 478 (I dont know the speed cause I never runned it, I received it and the mobo was scrap so I cant test the CPU)

Around 256MbRam or more

64Mb ATI Radeon 7500, but I plan to upgrade it to something better when Ill have the cash

Integrated sound card, but I dont mind, there's 5.1channel for dolby-powered sound on my new motherboard smile.gif

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Bentley, I disagree with you over alienware. They are one of the most cost-competitive performance computer companies around today. You can get a matched alienware for less than a dell for the most part. Yes, it's a lot cheaper to build your own, but there's something to be said for somebody else to do it for you and take care of OC'ing and all that good stuff.


Also, dont get any video card lower than an x800. You will regret spending the money otherwise IMO.

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Alienware = quality, performance, profesionnal customisation, support, look, high prices

Custom = low prices, personal customisation, look (depend on your personal taste)


If you have the cash Id recommend you an Alienware, otherwise customize it yourself. Or buy a comp from Staples, Future Shop or any other shop and customize it yourself with time


during holidays I saw some nice PC at Staples, something affordable for like 700$ CAN after all rebates... Athlon 64 3500+, 512Mb Ram, LCD 17'' screen, kboard, mouse, and with a printer... I didnt minded the brand of the comp, cause Id personally would have boosted it by myself after that... but I decided to not buy it since I did not had the cash to (and my parents were out too for some reasons)


Its up to you to decide, if you have the money then go for AlienWare, eitherway customize it yourself and dont you overclock you comp too much! ^^;

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Cause you have an Alienware computer? HOLY SHIT


now where you live hmmm ima try to steal your heartstone maybe itll bring me by your house smile.gif

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