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floating trees aye




a floating rock WTF!


¿what do you think this looks like?

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/5347/screenshot0121062115193rd.th.jpg :shock:

Learning the hard way

http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/166/screenshot0121062116370uj.th.jpg :cry:



Theres more just tell me if u wanna try it if ur a mage smile.gif tell me what you think of this plz



G G G G G GUNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mrgreen:

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Dude, that's the Outlands map that's in the game. Well, parts of it, the models at least. You got in there from the Deadmines?!

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gunit finds all the cool places. whats your exploration skill? 315?

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Teahn you got it you go into the instance deadmines and then you turn once your in it facing the door and then u blink through it and then you follow the tunnel to the left and then slow fall to water and theres more i can show ppl another time and heres a link to the moviehttp:


It only takes like1 minute to download and my exploring skill is ?? so its better than 315

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20 hykos biggrin.gif


been there, done that.


hehe now the real question is have YOU been through the dark portal!

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