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Racism is a funny thing. Thats all I'm gonna say.


funny as in sick right? sad.gif


I read another one of these articals before its sad to see that.

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Racism is a funny thing in how it is perceived, applied and accepted.


All of which are pathetic.

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Yeahhhh, sorry to say but the video gaming crowd is like any other: full of bigotry.

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racism and stereotyping are two different things with a fine line seperating them, however, the line is unclear.


the photo was commenting on the stereotype, thus, making it funny. bigotry/racism is usually directed at a specific small group of people by another person/s and is usually offensive for example: all homosexuals deserve to die and burn in hell (this is not nice; its mean and its offensive and is well within the bounds of a racist remark.) I don't see how stereotypes have ever been offensive to the point of being racist. but, eh, i'm only a flaming, wig wearing, limp wristed, "darling you're fabulous" homosexual. . . (see, stereotypes are funny.)

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I was actually in a party with a guy that said something to the effect of: "Those goddamned gooks are killing this game"

I sumarily killed him, over and over and over again.



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racism and stereotyping are two different things with a fine line seperating them, however,  the line is unclear.  


the photo was commenting on the stereotype, thus, making it funny. bigotry/racism is usually directed at a specific small group of people by another person/s and is usually offensive for example: all homosexuals deserve to die and burn in hell (this is not nice; its mean and its offensive and is well within the bounds of a racist remark.) I don't see how stereotypes have ever been offensive to the point of being racist. but, eh, i'm only a flaming, wig wearing, limp wristed, \"darling you're fabulous\" homosexual. . . (see, stereotypes are funny.)


QFT the word racism is thrown around way too much.


Treating an entire race of people poorly because of the actions of a subset of that group is the very definition of racism.\"


Actually... "Racist: a person with a prejudiced belief that one race is superior to others".


As loofa said, it's sterotyping, not racism. Not that bigotry and stereotyping are much better, but ya know there is a difference between Hitler and some kid on his computer assuming an Asian player is a chinese farmer.

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HHhhmmm, I admit the word "bigotry" is too strong in this case. Everyone has prejudices and preconceptions in any situation (i.e. I have at least a slight prejudice against bigots) but they don't always escalate to the point of being problematic.


But stereotypes have to arise from some preconceived notion of a group of people, racist or not, there is some prejudice there. Some people have these prejudiced views and then buy into the stereotype (or possibly accepting the stereotype fosters the creation of a viewpoint) and so we have to be careful in the manner we deal with stereotype in general. Thankfully, people are witty enough to mock stereotypes and the prejudices that lie behind them, which I applaud, cause satire is always welcome.


Sorry to ramble but I'm going to veer a bit as this issue seems quite pertinent to the gaming world in general. How many times have you ever heard someone insulted by being called "gay" or a "fag"? Probably thousands, heh, especially in CS (though thankfully I haven't seen it within FP.) Do the people making homosexuality into a slur actually hate gay people? Maybe not, I have friends who use the words as insults but aren't actually bigoted, but that still doesn't make it right to speak that way.


I think the language we use and images we invoke, including stereotype, need to be chosen carefully and reflect the beliefs we actually have. If you aren't a bigot but still speak in a manner that sounds prejudiced, then as the Buddha would say, you are not using "right speech." If we invoke stereotype in a non-satirical way, then the image you project of yourself will have this component.


But, I may be overzealous. Let me know what yall think. peace.

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