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"The Lunar Festival is a time of celebration. The people of Azeroth celebrate their triumph of many thousands of years ago, when an alliance of good races (Night Elves, Tauren and Earthen - a proto-Dwarven race) defeated a terrible evil. It is also a time of remembrance for the valor and wisdom of that ancient age.


The demi-god Omen was a being of great strength and knowledge. Blessed by Elune, Omen wandered primordial Kalimdor, guiding hunters and gatherers and offering luck and advice to all he met. When the Burning Legion launched their attack, Omen allied with Azeroth's defenders. Omen fought bravely, but after many battles, his wounds from demonic forces plunged him into a deep, dreaming sleep... where fel-inspired nightmares slowly consumed him. When he finally awoke, centuries later, he had fallen to madness. [...]"


Tons of screenshots on the linked page. It's about damn time our zone got some good stuff in it. Can't wait for it to start biggrin.gif

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Cooool, teleporting to Moonglade FTW.


And, hmmm, I'm pretty sure we heard Draeni will be the new race. Heh, better than a different kind of dwarf!

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