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I need a trustable hordie... anyone got one? Or even a horde alt via a 2nd account?

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Klaudia has a RL friend that plays horde on SC. And loofa did have a horde on a second account. Not sure if he still does.

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I too have a possiblity, just let me know what needs to be done and I can ask.

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Essentially I need a secure way to transfer peacebloom... even if the other person wants to enter in Rage's contest I don't mind feeding into someone's efforts for that.



Loofa no longer has the account.

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omg did you say peacebloom? i need peacebloom.

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omg did you say peacebloom? i need peacebloom.


With my epic mount, I got 7 stacks of peacebloom in probably under an hour. How much peacebloom do you need? I was just getting it for the war effort... I figured its easy and its one thing that both alliance and horde won't be doing in places like outside of IF.

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Mannyfresh will do it for me.


And he is Rage


If I send you my peacebloom can you transfer it whenever you normally transfer stuff to him? Being in Rage isn't a requirement to turn stuffz0rs in :-P.. I just figured I could help some horde friend of someone's with the contest if they wanted.. but really as long as it gets turned in I don't care.

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Klaudia has a RL friend that plays horde on SC. And loofa did have a horde on a second account. Not sure if he still does.


more like klaudia has a rl ex-boyfriend whom she does not wish to communicate with =p

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Sure I am gonna be giving him a couple hundred wool this evening.

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Yeah, those cross alliance relationships never seem to work out.




ROFL .. cross-faction relationships ftl!

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Yeah, those cross alliance relationships never seem to work out.




ROFL .. cross-faction relationships ftl!


i think it really depends on who is the mage and who is the rogue

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omg did you say peacebloom? i need peacebloom.


With my epic mount, I got 7 stacks of peacebloom in probably under an hour. How much peacebloom do you need? I was just getting it for the war effort... I figured its easy and its one thing that both alliance and horde won't be doing in places like outside of IF.



i was just kidding shoop thats an inside joke 'tween vanin and i

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Yeah, those cross alliance relationships never seem to work out.





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