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What would happen if Bentley was a shaman?


I would die and self rez!



and then I would cast FROSTSHOCK!!!!!!!!



The shaman Tier 2 armor doesn't look that cool. I should have used the warlord armor I think smile.gif

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heh, I did the same thing with the paly set. Do all Judgement, the Red Dragonscale Protector, and Lok'amir il Romathis. Anyone looks like a total badass with that set of items on. I swear they made that mace just for Palies. It matches Judgement perfectly.

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Bentley you definetly wouldn't own as much as a shaman, even if you didn't have to be...horde.


As a priest, dumb people are like, "Oh look, he's just a priest."

And then you're like, "Oh you're right...FACE MELT!"


But as a shaman, even dumb people would be like "Oh noes, teh shaman! Run!"

Maybeeee you'd catch em with "FROSTSHOCK!" but you still couldn't melt their faces.


And isn't melting faces what's really important?

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But if Bentley were a shaman I would have both powers and follow up frostshock with FACEMELT!!!!!!!!!

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And if Storm were a priest he could tank and heal himself and then FROSTSHOCK!



ok maybe not..

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And if Storm were a priest he could tank and heal himself and then FROSTSHOCK!  



ok maybe not..

see, thats what we called a pally, right up until they pulled the wool from our eyes and we saw what we were really playing ....

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heh, I did the same thing with the paly set. Do all Judgement, the Red Dragonscale Protector, and Lok'amir il Romathis. Anyone looks like a total badass with that set of items on. I swear they made that mace just for Palies. It matches Judgement perfectly.


Try Full Judgement + Draconic Maul. Or, just look at my avatar, because that's what I'm packing. That too looks like it was made for me. By me, I mean me when I'm in full Judgement. Shouldn't be too much longer.

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