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Hi guys, Babytasuki came to our forums telling us that your guild was healing Legendary so we though we would give you our support! This thread is pretty entertaining so lets keep it going! We all agreed to heal your guild since you were already doing the same smile.gif


P.S. Our forums are all in french, but if you guys want to come visit and say hello, we would be happy to speak english hehe.

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Hello and yes we have been told that.


FOr those who are not aware of it you can find the game here

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As Svet mentionned, you guys are our new healing target smile.gif

Thanks Baby for stopping by... Since we have no one specific to hurt, we decided to target the Horde guilds. If there is some guilds you don't want us to hurt, let us know smile.gif

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Yay! hurry up though, we're bleeding when we should be winning Mr Universe.

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We got about 30 members voting for you guys and we are bringing guilds down fast so we will need all the support you can give us, because it seems the 3 guilds we brought down are very angry hehehe.

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Let's not forget to take a second to heal Legendary and if you want a easy target for hurt feel free to hit my old guild Lords of Echo laugh.gif

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