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O.k. I use to think that if I had 45 points in reduced threat and then salvation my aggro was reduced by 75 which is awesome nuke away and out DPS everyone.


Threat reduction works slightly different as discovered by Immortality. This is a reply from a topic that you can read all of here


They dont stack, Say Blessing of Salvation's 30%, is not Added directly to your Holy Subletly, which, Since annolyn used the number, well say is 35%. You wont end up with 65% Reduction. this type of stacking would make it rather easy to reach 100% Reduction. ^^.


It works however, In sort of the Multiplication pattern Annolyn suggested, IE Damage reduction is applied in Tiers across your remaining threat.


Now the example:


Say your Flash heal hits for 1000, and Generates 1 point of Threat per heal.

So far, you have 1000 Threat.

You have Subletly, or which ever skill lowers your Threat generated. Well say, for sake of arguement, that this is 35%.

1000x35%(.35) = 350 Threat Removed off the top, leaving you with:


650 Threat from your Heal.

(Note: i Applied The pernament, Talent based Reduction first, as thats how it works with Expose armor/Sunder armor, and is the logical Order.)


With your new number of 650 Threat, lets say you also have Blessing of Salvation on you. this is another 30%. However, this 30% is applied to the new number of 650, not 1000, so...


650x30%(.30) = 195, Or another 195 points removed off of 650.


This Brings you down to 455 Points of Threat from your 1000 Point heal, or as Annolyn Said, 45.5% of the original Value. =D


As for stopping at 40%, no ones Exactly sure HOW the system works, all methods we have currently are still theoretical. Getting Below 40% of the Original though would probably cost the user too much in overall healing ability, so Your current combo works just fine.

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After reading this post, and hearing about the way some other guilds go about things, this is crucial info. During the Vael fight which we are quickly approaching threat management is the difference between victory and defeat. Every little bit of reduced threat our healers can get is key. Anyways it's late and I'm rambling, and I guess I wanted to put a little bit more in here than /bump. Good find Bentley.

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Heres the part that counts.


Everything taken from this thread:  








So I ran some tests on an internal server. I'm using a different version of WoW, so I can't be 100% sure if these findings are accurate on 1.8 Live servers. The good news is that if things are different, then I'm testing what they WILL be for 1.9.  


- Netherwind 3 piece bonus. It works fine. It's reducing the flat amount across all spell levels. There's no apparent \"inverting\" going on. The numbers for threat reduction you've seen for the three spells are technically correct, since the flat reduction is applied on every missile of Arcane Missiles, and on the initial DD and each of the 4 ticks of the Fireball DoT.  


- \"Stacking\" of threat reduction effects. Every single one of them I tested stack. This includes the Netherwind bonus, Arcane Subtlety, Blessing of Salvation, Nemesis Bonus, and Master Demonologist. However, note that they don't always stack in the way you might hope. You don't add all the percentages up, then apply the combined multiplier to the damage your spell does to obtain threat. So if you have Blessing of Salvation (30%), Master Demonologist (20%), and the Nemesis set bonus (20%), you aren't generating just 30% of your normal threat. The true number is something a bit higher. The specific details of the stacking are something I'll pursue further with the class team and programmers to make sure we're happy with how they're working, but the important thing is that each bonus does provide a significant threat reduction.  



Game Designer  


- The priest subtlety talent does stack with Blessing of Salvation.  


- I did test Arcane Sublety. It stacks with Netherwind and Blessing of Salvation, too.

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After reading this post, and hearing about the way some other guilds go about things, this is crucial info.  During the Vael fight which we are quickly approaching threat management is the difference between victory and defeat.  Every little bit of reduced threat our healers can get is key.  Anyways it's late and I'm rambling, and I guess I wanted to put a little bit more in here than /bump.  Good find Bentley.


I think it will still be crucial to have the threat reducing talents for healers and such. However, the trick will be making sure all the tankers are maintaining their level of threat in relation to the rotation of tanking.


IE: Doing enough agro to stay above everyone else, but no more than the warriors that are tanking before them. Kinda tricky since there really arent any SOLID calculations for threat.

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I think the post gunsmoke made is vital.. if you're new at it and still learning the encounters.. threat reduction wherever possible should be applied... it'll make life easier but as we get more experienced, respecs can be made in the future.

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