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Well, last night Lyrin and I had our first experience with FP and we both thoroughly enjoyed it. We find FP to be a great group of well organized people having fun playing the game. We seem to enjoy the same play style and feel at home already. Thank you for the fun last night and the fellowship that goes with a great guild and group of people such as yourselves. Viva Forgotten Prophets. 8)8)

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Ohhh all the wonderful jargon you have to learn that you are so absolutely clueless about.


I remember I was afraid to be a noob and ask what FPFTMFW stoood for. ROFL.


There will be a test in 15 days of various phrases we use and if you do not pass you stay in your cages Muwhahaha


Hey this being a member stuff is fun

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Ok I had to endure one of Bently's long posts to get caught up. So one of you is a hunter, Lyrin and a fed.... WELCOME! smile.gif want a cold drink, chips, any kind of refreashment?


Make sure to visit the Hunter forum once access is granted.



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Hmm . . . Bentley's giving up secrets about me? No one's suppose to know I'm a hunter!!


I would say, "Now, I have to kill you." However, I will let this particular instance pass with "finding out more about you, than you know about yourself."


Nah, just kidding. That's only something I do when provoked . . . and I already know too much about Bentley. :wink:

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I would say, \"Now, I have to kill you.\" However, I will let this particular instance pass with \"finding out more about you, than you know about yourself.\"  


Translation.... She can find out everything about you already. It's to late to run or to hide. :!:

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Maaaannnnn this is creepy.





Hope that doesn't keep me in Probation cage any longer!

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Do not fear the Lyrin. Embrace her, for she is kind, loving, smart, and very caring......unless she has a tire tool in her hand. If you see that particular item in her grasp, well, just run for your life!

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Jesilyn just says that because she is quick to dodge the Lyrin with her Tire tool

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