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FP pwns Ony....Twice in one night!!!

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yea.. ravenheart kept my updated via text msgs... awesome feat guys! is it gonna be regular now i.e. 2 groups everytime?

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Stang, I would just like to thank you for giving me the chance to lead a great group of people again.


Oh yeah, 2-0 when having a 2 group compitition wink.gif


And before you say it, next time I am willing to not have a fear ward :twisted:

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Stang, I would just like to thank you for giving me the chance to lead a great group of people again.


Oh yeah, 2-0 when having a 2 group compitition wink.gif


And before you say it, next time I am willing to not have a fear ward  :twisted:


hey now, we didn't have a problem without fear ward, we had a problem with a MT disconnect and a 350 person queue. =)

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/famous rep increase by double


And I got my Quel'serrar! Yar har har!


I have to admit though, when I saw Beorn drop, my butthole puckered up and I ran in with shield block, last stand and shield wall on. Then i stabbed that biotch in the heart!


Also, with Usagimidori as my witness. All the Pallies but Kaslor ran away from dueling me outside of IF afterwards! I even got 1 pally after two sets of healing and a shield! Arg!

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ZOMG 2 for 1... It is like a special at a store.


Yup. Buy one [Head of Onyxia] get one free!


Also, with Usagimidori as my witness. All the Pallies but Kaslor ran away from dueling me outside of IF afterwards! I even got 1 pally after two sets of healing and a shield! Arg!


lol that sounds about right. So who won, you or Kas?

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I think it was about even. 2handers, i would win if he didn't go for a third set of heals or shield. 1+board he won after a almost ricidulous long fight hehe. All my DPS comes from my OEB and I notice the +8 swords. My crits were far fewer with the Quel'serrar.

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stupid work making miss these things. where was my text message?


grats guys

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so i won the head of ony in stang's group, who won the other? i wana get me ring! lol

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It was way exciting (and a privilege) to be a part of taking down two Oni's in one eveing. Mostly because it was the first time we (Danarus and myself) got to see her go down at all. What an honor!!!


Thank you, thank you, thank you . . .

to all Forgotten Prophets for picking up us old people.


I'll think of something really worthwhile to say later, much later.


Thanks again!!

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grats FP, we owned the bitch twice in one night! grats joe for getting your quel serrar as well! (pally weapon hehe)


i won the garrett family sheild.. anyone know how much i could snag it for?

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