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so i, for some reason, despite the help of stang still cant get my pics to work so ill just make an attempt and either let him fix it or you all copy and paste the link to see me, should you have the desire biggrin.gif (random pics from school...edward 40-hands night)


me and the reason i miss raids/leave randomly in game (gf aggro)




doesnt she look thrilled?





me throwing a straight shot to one of my housemates "man gorde"







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Rehosted the pics on my server and redirected the links for you Meta!


You owe me a coke! smile.gif

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ha yeh thats a fun little game we call edward 40-hands...its a race and they dont come off till ya finish ( i finished 3rd that night)



gryph, your coke isin the mail biggrin.gif

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of course, akira...ill let you know when our next one is...you can make the trip up from florida so you can me myself and will (drunknduncan) biggrin.gif




and when do we get to see your pics...ive seen cindy on the old aeternum forums...but no rich?????

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Your girlfriend has evil red glowy eyes tongue.gif

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