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Essence of the Red: Gives the raid a 3 min buff that has different effects depending on what class you are, casters receives 500 mana/s, rogues 50 energy / s, and warriors receives 30 rage / s.


Burning Adrenaline: This is both a buff and a debuff, the buff part about it is that all your abilities becomes instant cast. The debuff part is that after 18 seconds you will blow up and kill anyone in near proximity of you.


Fire Nova: Does 500-1000 damage each time cast (to the entire raid) there is no way of outranging this AoE, but FR helps.


Flame Breath: Frontal attack that does approximately 5000 damage, this number will decrease the more fire resistance you have.



The Fight


As the picture shows the placement of your raid, why we place our raid the way we do will be explained in detail.







Melee Damage

Ranged DPS



The small dots are where those players stand; the large dots are the blow-up spots for that group (see below).



Mages, Warlocks, Hunters are placed by the pillar under the balcony near the door. If a mage gets burning adrenaline he turns around blinks towards the wall (between the two pillars) and fires off all the spells he can; since the explosion from the burning adrenalin is short proximity AoE you'll be out of range for your team and won't blow them up. The player then has a few seconds of instant cast spells, so once you're a safe distance from everyone else fire off everything you've got. Obviously the warlocks and hunters can't blink, they simply run to the blow-up spot when they get it but that shouldn't be a problem; once they reach their blow-up spot they do the same as the mages and unload all the DPS they have. Assign one priest per party with these groups so that they can spam team heals to counter the DoT that Vaelastrasz does. Rogues stand as marked, with their blow-up spot being on the other side of the dragon. Rogues (and the warriors off-tanking) need a priest in their group as well in order to out-heal the DoT.




Paladins / Shamans and Druids are the MT healers. As before, have one priest in each group that spams team heals on the druids & paladins/shamans so that all the druid and paladins/shamans can concentrate on the main tanks. The MT healers have a seperate blow-up spot, when they receive burning adrenaline they can run there and still be in range of all the melee, hence he/she can spam greater heals on everyone until blown up.








Aggro Management

Once the main tank has landed a few sunders on Vaelastrasz the rest of the warriors go in and sunder like there was no tomorrow, but in a sequential order; i.e. the secondary tank starts to sunder, then 2 seconds later the Third tank starts to sunder, and 2 seconds after that the 4th warrior starts to sunder. This is done to keep an aggro order that Vaelastrasz goes through. Once these 5-6 seconds the warriors need to get on top of the aggro list have passed the rogues go in to for melee damage and the Ranged DPS starts to fire off their spells and arrows.




Once your first warrior gets the burning adrenalin and blows up Vaelastrasz will move slightly towards the tank spot and the secondary tank, that warrior need to be fast getting him back into position or else he'll flame breath all the warriors and if any of the should die the fight is more or less over unless you have an overflow of tanks in your raid.


Also when the first tank dies all the rogues use Vanish to drop their threat generated and give the secondary tank the chance to get the aggro, at that time the remainder of the tanks stop sundering for a second to stabilize the aggro on the new MT.




This fight is all about aggro management and damage, the fight should take 3 min which is the duration of the buff you get at the start of the fight, if it runs out the chances of your raid killing him will decrease dramatically

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Thats a pretty good strat, but I think we will stick with the Exodia strat we used last week. It seemed to work fantastic. The only thing we were missing was 5 more people!

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My friend's guild has the mages die to drop aggro every time a tank blows up... lol


spam group heal ftw

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i like the vanish idea from this strat... anything to help agro control would be great.


maybe when the MT is about to blow... all classes, i.e. hunters, priests and rogues, that hv threat-reducing abilities should use'em to ensure that one of the tanks in line get agro?

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We try to make sure the mages and warlocks get BA...not only does it provide a nice DPS burst, but it also saves a priest. Once a priest goes down, that group is toast within 20 seconds.


And if you're not feigning death as a hunter, feinting as a rogue, and fading as a priest the second its cooldown is up, you're going to wipe the raid. The aggro management in this fight is a bit more complex than simply not pulling aggro from the tanks. There are certain classes that you want to get BA, and other classes that getting BA will wipe the raid.


It's decent practice for firemaw.


As far as mages dying to reduce aggro...mages shouldn't really be outpacing many people on aggro unless they want to. 3 piece netherwind + arcane subtlety + blessing of salvation ~= 80% aggro reduction. Manipulating blessing of salvation on mages is how you force BA.


Expect to respec a lot in BWL. Expect to pay more in repairs and comsumables than you ever though possible to get first kills. Expect the need to farm some of the most random shit in the game just to take down 1 pull. Most importantly, what works for one guild will not necessarily work for another. In MC you could say this, but the differences in execution are usually over minor things like the order you kill domo's adds. In BWL, things vary widely between guilds, and even between faction. I would suggest experimentation to find out what works best for you guys as opposed to copying strategies. Don't get me wrong: there are good ideas you need to pull from a variety of sources, but simply copying another guild will likely not work too well.

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I think Blessing of Salvation is broken for me :/
No, it's just scared of you.

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