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tonight was lota fun we kicked some major horde ass


we won like 15 and lost 3? FP has AB on farm status


we gota do this more often =)



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That was tons of fun. We've done so so as a guild in AB until tonight. Everything just seemed to click and we killed everything that was thrown at us. Below is one of my better games of the night 8)



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I think the difference is gear. Slowly but surely we are getting better gear and since we have skill and gear now we are beating the no skill people who relied on gear only.


Oh yeah and then their is the fact that we are /famous and uhm FPFTMFW and people are starting to realize it. smile.gif

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Its not the gear. We beat up on some big time Horde last night. It was the teamwork and strategy. The gear helps, but great communication, always trying to find ways to attack, knowing when to attack even when it will fail just to keep a bunch of Horde occupied, and having people like Sicbo and Soma (Two ninja flag masters) and Reinhard (I'll not use his official call sign here) made the difference.


I wouldnt even count one of the losses. We had a bunch of non FP. And the other loss was 2000-1960 or some such against absolutely the best Horde around. Many of whom we promptly owned later on.


Give it a week. When the Horde see FP show up in Battleground you will be able to feel the 'Oh Shits' across the internet!

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zomg ive done atleast 50 games of AB in total (im not a huge PvPer but i do it every now and then) and until yesterday i had only ever won three times in total; i went up an entire bar of rep from neutral to friendly in one night after this FP ownage tongue.gif


if we dont do this again... like every night for instance... il have to slap stang ^^


srry stang but it looks like u might have to take one for the team biggrin.gif

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yea gear hlps but its also the players...kobah and stric prolly the best mages ive played w/ in terms of decision making...soma and the daghostmaker were great at ninjaing...miz and REinhard for their leet hunta skillz...esp rein who can defend stables by himself...gryph and beorn for their tankage...and stang was great at leading...and all the pallies =P... and Klaudius for taking amplify magic for the team...


mostly i think it was the communication that made the difference and playing ur characs the right way.


id luv to do this on a nightly basis cuz i want my grand marshall staff =P

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I think my post was misunderstood.


I already know we had the skill but it doesn't matter if we got great skill if the weapons they carry are two shot killing us threw our armor.


Now that our gear is equal our skill is showing and that is the difference. Of course it is the skill because they depend on their gear and no skill.


Now that we have skill and gear it is GG FPFTW.

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damnit how do I always miss this....


*Cough* playing on Smolderthorn *cough*


Pretty much look at the raid schedule. If nothing is scheduled we're doing pvp. If there is a small raid sheduled (Onyxia) then we're doing pvp afterwards.

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damnit how do I always miss this....


*Cough* playing on Smolderthorn *cough*


Pretty much look at the raid schedule. If nothing is scheduled we're doing pvp. If there is a small raid sheduled (Onyxia) then we're doing pvp afterwards.


There was a 500 person queue for SC... what did you expect? :-P


I was on the last Onyxia raid.. there was no pvp after .. I even asked =/ And genearlly if there's not an insane queue on SC I check there to see if any pvp is happening before I go log on ST...


Anyway, once I get 48... ST pvp is ftw.. FOR THE HORDE!

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I would personally like to that reinhard for being on what we liked to call



"BIZITCH duty" (a.k.a stables defense)


Keep going bro, there is no1 who fills the "BIZITCH" role better than u tongue.gif



awesome times in AB last night...I got 50k honor that day smile.gif

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GUYS i know its probably not possible but IF WE DO THIS OFTEN i'd love to do this with you instead of the other guilds. the crappy thing is to advance ranks quickly we need to win often. If you are interested in working us up ranks then let me know .

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GUYS i know its probably not possible but IF WE DO THIS OFTEN i'd love to do this with you instead of the other guilds.  the crappy thing is to advance ranks quickly we need to win often.   If you are interested in working us up ranks then let me know .


I'd love to know when we are going to be pvping a lot ahead of time... I always seem to miss it. And winning is DEFINATELY the way to rank up.

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Another night of ownage. We had one group scout us and leave. And then our worst game against Music's group was 1900/2000.





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