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Like that is any news :?


But I couldn't figure out exactly what I wanted to call the thread. I guess I could have nemed it FPFTMFW, but that is just so common and known I was afraid maybe not enough attention.


When I left LoE I knew that I was a capable priest in helping out a guild in end game content. However I will say that I was very picky about what guilds I wanted to join and what type of atmosphere I was hoping for. Once guilds have so many members it becomes very difficult to make so many people get along. It is very hard. Think it is easy. Go to any convention and talk to everyone there and see how many of them you wished you did NOT say hello to.


I came to FP for what other reason. PHAT LEWTZ. Man a guild of this size the potential must be unbelieveable. It will be doing all of MC and BWL in no time at all. Why go to a guild where I have to build when I can go to a established guild and participate and get stuff.


Hey I am honest. I came wanting a guild that could do end game content and get stuff. Not to say I wanted stuff over other people... but I wanted the epics and felt capable to help and be in a position to EARN my share. Not like I wanted to freeload.


Unfortunately I did not find a guild that could do these things. Nope. I did not find just a group of people that got along. Nope. I found so much more. Man I think so highly of you all that have the name FP and those who have had it like JuniorX and others that I have not met in FP. It is special here. Hardcore... no we are not hardcore. We do not boot members who can not meet certain raid schedules... but we are the damn best non hardcore guild in the game, and we are as good as most HARDCORE guilds in this game. What makes us so much different than most other guilds is the wonderful times we spend in the game not raiding. Building friendships and helping each other with goals. FPFTMFW is a understatment.


Today I got my one thing I really wanted. Anything from this point on is wanted and appreciated but it is icing on the cake at this point. I got my Eye of Divinity to do my priest epic quest. It is hard to explain what I felt when my screen was filled with gratz and way to go's after I got the eye. It is hard to explain how awesome it is to see people form a raid just to help and show support on a quest that you have to do alone.


So I want to say thank you to all of you who have welcomed me warmly to this wonderful group of friends. Thank you all who have cheered me on. FPFTMFW

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You have truly been a great addition Bent and are a symbol of FP at its greatest smile.gif

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bentley is ftw indeed tongue.gif




ur a roxxors priest unlike SOME1 i could name... *cough* stang *cough* lol jks biggrin.gif


best of luck in completing your quest smile.gif

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