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I forgot to do last weeks loot thread so i apologize and stuff. Seriously awesome run FP all of MC down in one night. For whoever asked what the FP loot week is...it goes from the first day we do a new mc until we start the next mc.


Nice combination of drops if i do say so myself...and i do 8) . I also tend to make mistakes so feel free if you see something that did drop and isnt listed etc.


Arcanist Gloves - Metatron

Blastershot Launcher - Beornwarrior

Brutality Blade - Usagimidori *Bought*

Cenarion Boots - Hykos

Circlet of Prophecy - Ladyakira

Essence of Pure Flame - Hinanin

Felheart Slippers - *Dust*

Finkle's Lava Dredger - Coeus *Bought*

Gauntlets of Might - Gryph

Gianstalker Belt - Titanx

Gianstalker Belt - Usagimidori

Gianstalker Breastplate - Reinhard (First Tier 1...8 piece!!)

Judgement Legplates - Willas

Lawbringer Belt - Siegeman

Lawbringer Belt - Kaslor

Lawbringer Helm - Coeus

Legplates of Might - Katrinarose

Magna Igniting Cord - Thornblade *Bought*

Mantle of Prophecy - Ayumi

Netherwind Pants - Sicbo

Nightslayer Bracelets - Miroku

Nightslayer Bracelets - Ghalleon

Nightslayer Gloves - Skee

Onslaught Girdle - Twigs

Pauldrons of Might - Ratava

Robes of Prophecy - Aelora

Sabatons of Might - Scrapes

Seal of the Archmagus - Gynis

Strikers Mark - Scrapes *Bought*

Sulfuron Ignot - *Bank*

The Eye of Divinity - Bentley

Vambraces of Prophecy - Stangmeister

Wristguards of True Flight - Vanin

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First off... /respect Beorn! We had loads of drops this run (30+) and it aint easy to keep track of'em, let alone type it up in the whee hours of the morning.


Secondly, grats to all the loot winners! Getting pimped out is one of the perks of long raiding sessions!


And last but not least... zomg... awesome effort and grats to everyone for this full MC clear (Luci-Rag) in under 6 hours. Hard but worth it; not many guilds pull thru with this and we hv so kudos!


All bosses were wtfpwned on first attempts... our long sessions of attempts, farming for mats, sticking up for each other and, of course, all you awesome prophets hv really shown how polished we hv become. The past week has confirmed FP as a MC farming guild as well as an upcomer in the halls of BWL!


Let's keep it up!


Grats again!!

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That was a fun run, sorry I couldn't stay for all of it but a week of raiding means a tired, tired, siegeman. Grats to all that got loots, especially Willas! How's the dress fitting? :wink:

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Grats to all! sorry couldnt make any raids this week,


edit(forgot to add stuff after the comma tongue.gif)


now we need some public sign up ZG runs!

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  • 3 years later...

Remember when beorn was all happy like this post?


And, remember when he'd do these posts? I used to love them when I worked 7 on 7 off, I got to see who got what while I wasn't there!

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man i didnt win anything on either of these necro beorn posts. wtf was i thinking? maybe i wasn't in the raid.....

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